Originally posted on 03/22/2011:

Quote Originally Posted by pavyracer View Post
Saddam wasn't acting like he had WMDs. CIA and Fox News made you think that he was acting like he had WMDs by fabricating reports and posting propaganda over TV 24/7. There is an old saying that if you tell a lie 1000 times it becomes the truth.
Oh, right, big bad Fox News

"In April 1991 Iraq provided its first of what would be several declarations of its chemical weapons programs. [56] Subsequent declarations submitted by Iraq in June 1992 , March 1995, June 1996 came only after pressure from UNSCOM. [56] In February 1998 , UNSCOM unanimously determined that after seven years of attempts to establish the extent of Iraq’s chemical weapons programs, that Iraq had still not given the Commission sufficient information for them to conclude that Iraq had undertaken all the disarmament steps required by the UNSC resolutions concerning chemical weapons"

Good read, if you're interested... the "Between Persian Gulf Wars" section

If Saddam was giving inspectors the run-around about his weapons stockpiles and research for 7 years with inspectors in the country, doesn't it stand to reason that when they left for 4 years, he wouldn't really destroy the weapons like he claimed? He claimed he was clean for 7 years, until weapons/chemicals/research was discovered. Then he would lie and say that's all he had, until more was found, etc etc etc...

Does he sound like a trustworthy guy?