I don't know if regression is specific to one method or no matter what I do, everytning comes up losers until the regression stops.
I'm sure you've all heard of game simulations. In the NFL season, I remember someone doing the game simulations on an xbox to get a prediction of how the games would turn out.
I found a site that does game simulations for the MLB baseball games. They do it for 1000's of times before they make a prediction.
I looked at today's game predictions for the pitchers involved, see how the simulations did in previous games, then looked at my matchup scoring to see if the two matched up.
Sounds kinda complicated by it's not. Here's an example of todays game that just got over. I wanted to see the results of that game before posting.
The game sim ( short for simulation) predicted France to win today.
Past results for France were, when predicted to win, sim was correct 3 out of 3 times.
The game sim for Anderson predicted a loss today.
Past results when predicting Anderson to lose were 3 for 3 correct.
Houston won 6-4. The game sim was correct again today.
I did the Oak/Det game.
Game sim predicts Waldichuk to lose today.
When predicting Waldichuk to lose, past results went 4 for 4 correct.
Game sim predicts Rodriguez to win today.
When predicting Rodriguez to win, past results went 4 for 4 correct.
I played Det-225 in my contest but for tracking purposes, I played it at only $100.
Gonna keep an eye on the games where the game sims were correct on both ends and track them.
**This is just an experiment! Use caution! Big favorite.