1. #1
    OldBill's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    i'm redoing my craps system ijust figured out i was doing it wrong

    so on 15$ min table i did it this way

    Place DONT PASS $20 points is 6-0r 8 which i hate place them for $24

    7 out your total pick up is $40 lose $24 net profit $16

    point made you pick up $52 - $20 net profit $32

    then decide what to do next shooter

    the old way i was betting 15 $ D P and laying odds like $18 against 6 or 8 7 out great but point made placing $18 i lost money that pays $21 so i get only $39 back but minus the $33 ehhhhhhhhh $6 and betting hop 7's and any 7 plus 2 on the 11 drove me negative

    just simply no bets after losing to naturals

    SO now even when table is down to only 4 of us when i throiw dice i wont burn myself going one way only on DP like i did 2 weeks ago point was 10 laid $30 POOF made the 10 then point was 10 again laid $40 POOF made the 10

    final $17 on DP throw natural 11

    stone busted after 4 hrs so got food comps for $25 and grabbed bite to eat

    2 slices of pizza and soda only $8 but pizza was heated in that thing too long it was dry and tastleess

  2. #2
    7deuceoff$uit's Avatar SBR PRO
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    Quote Originally Posted by OldBill View Post
    so on 15$ min table i did it this way

    Place DONT PASS $20 points is 6-0r 8 which i hate place them for $24

    7 out your total pick up is $40 lose $24 net profit $16

    point made you pick up $52 - $20 net profit $32

    then decide what to do next shooter

    the old way i was betting 15 $ D P and laying odds like $18 against 6 or 8 7 out great but point made placing $18 i lost money that pays $21 so i get only $39 back but minus the $33 ehhhhhhhhh $6 and betting hop 7's and any 7 plus 2 on the 11 drove me negative

    just simply no bets after losing to naturals

    SO now even when table is down to only 4 of us when i throiw dice i wont burn myself going one way only on DP like i did 2 weeks ago point was 10 laid $30 POOF made the 10 then point was 10 again laid $40 POOF made the 10

    final $17 on DP throw natural 11

    stone busted after 4 hrs so got food comps for $25 and grabbed bite to eat

    2 slices of pizza and soda only $8 but pizza was heated in that thing too long it was dry and tastleess
    Not sure if you're wording this right, but you are not making a $16 profit on a 7 or a $32 profit on the point.

    Your total wager is $44 ($20 Don't Pass and $24 on the 6). If a 7 comes, you collect $40, but $20 of that is what you wagered and you lose the $24 place bet, so your profit is -$4.

    If the 6 comes, you collect $52, but $24 of that was what you wagered and you lose the $20 Don't Pass bet, so your profit is +$8.

  3. #3
    DiggityDaggityDo's Avatar SBR PRO
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    Thread is heating up

  4. #4
    jjgold's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Craps oh boy

    Nobody has ever beaten it other than a few dice control guys

  5. #5
    pay Bobby
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    oh man it would be wild to ride a hot shooter one time though Coach

    picture all SBR guys around table

    cargo shorts everywhere spilling drinks talking loud
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    allabout the $$$
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    This system if you up the wagers is good for comps. Won't win or lose too much but comps could be off the charts. Bet 250 DP 264 on the point. If you cam sit at the table for 4+ hours there will be a lot of freebies coming your way

  8. #8
    stevenash's Avatar Moderator
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    Quote Originally Posted by DiggityDaggityDo View Post
    Thread is heating up
    Like a Tessie Dog poopy?

  9. #9
    OldBill's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    ok read no post

    #1 NEVER throw dice

    bet $20 dont pass no hop's 7's or any 7

    point is 6 or 8 place it for $18 if made you collect it all $39 down ...LOSE $20 DONT pass thats $19 net

    if 7 out you collect it all $40 lose $18 thats $22 net then decide what to do next shooyter

    at worse say you lose 10 naturals in 1 hour thats $200 negative but you won $220 your still in profit $20 for that hour

    so lets say this happen for 4 hours well heck still have $80 profit plus you earned rewards points and food comps about $50 and free slot play

    two weeks ago only had $180 up at Parx casino table was down to 3 of us and baby i got $600 + in racks other two didnt shot dice

    well i shot one more time made 10 n 4 collected hugre bought them for $21 wins $40 7 out on 3rd point was 9 5 hours time got food comps

    $35 which is tough to use at food court and rewards points shown in slot machine 90 earned

  10. #10
    7deuceoff$uit's Avatar SBR PRO
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    Why are you counting your wager as part of your net profit?

  11. #11
    It's not what they bring...
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    Quote Originally Posted by manny24 View Post
    oh man it would be wild to ride a hot shooter one time though Coach

    picture all SBR guys around table

    cargo shorts everywhere spilling drinks talking loud

    Been there, done that.
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  12. #12
    allabout the $$$
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    Quote Originally Posted by OldBill View Post
    ok read no post

    #1 NEVER throw dice

    bet $20 dont pass no hop's 7's or any 7

    point is 6 or 8 place it for $18 if made you collect it all $39 down ...LOSE $20 DONT pass thats $19 net

    if 7 out you collect it all $40 lose $18 thats $22 net then decide what to do next shooyter

    at worse say you lose 10 naturals in 1 hour thats $200 negative but you won $220 your still in profit $20 for that hour

    so lets say this happen for 4 hours well heck still have $80 profit plus you earned rewards points and food comps about $50 and free slot play

    two weeks ago only had $180 up at Parx casino table was down to 3 of us and baby i got $600 + in racks other two didnt shot dice

    well i shot one more time made 10 n 4 collected hugre bought them for $21 wins $40 7 out on 3rd point was 9 5 hours time got food comps

    $35 which is tough to use at food court and rewards points shown in slot machine 90 earned
    Your math is terrible. You are coming out of pocket for 38 if they crap out you bring back 40. 40-38 is 2 dollars profit

    If they make the 6 or 8 you collect 33. (15+18) 38-33 is a
    5 dollar loss.
    Last edited by allabout the $$$; 04-30-22 at 06:20 PM.

  13. #13
    OldBill's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Quote Originally Posted by allabout the $$$ View Post
    Your math is terrible. You are coming out of pocket for 38 if they crap out you bring back 40. 40-38 is 2 dollars profit

    If they make the 6 or 8 you collect 33. (15+18) 38-33 is a
    5 dollar loss.

    YOUR wrong ok start bank $300 place DP $20 point is 5 or 9 place either for $15

    thats $35 out bank is $265 7 out you pick $40 add it back to $265 = $305 profit is $5

    next shooter same thing $35 minus from $305 = $270 bank this time they made point you won $21 plus your $15 thats $36 back to $270

    YOUR bank is NOW $306 next shooter same bets but point is 4 or 10 o you pray they make it that pays 9/5

    boom 4 winner bank was $271 you won 27$ plus $15 thats $42 bank is now $313

    folloow along same shooter point is 6 or 8 urghhhhhhhhhh you have place X tra $1 pays $7 / $6 bank is cut to $275 $313 - $38

    he 7's out pick up $40 added back to $275 $315 new bank

    next shooter point established 5 or 9 $315 - $35 = $280 7 out fast aka POINT 7 OUT $280 + $40 = $320 and it's only been 15 mins

    next shooter boink throws a natural grrrrrrrrrrr no more bets your back at $300 but it always evens out becuse every 3 or 2 you collect and push on 12 ok we strt over player still shooting he made point you got lucky this guy is glowing full of enrgy

    so now we go for more point is 9 you place 5 6 8 for $41 plus field for $15 $56 out plus $15 place bet

    wam pow bang boom ok any 5 6 8 you wing like $6 or $8 any field bet as high as $30 if any 2 0r 12 guys throws dice like 25 times a beautiful roll you placed all points in couple mins 4 5 6 8 9 10 no more field bets you upped em all 1 unit after each win

    you have like $150 on each number and he makes point you now have $1000 won just that one shooter DO NOT leave that money on felt drop em all down add to bank omg you have black chips in rack plus greens and reds and whites two full racks top n bottom rails

    heck put em pockets you aint goona be betting like $100 ech shotter just double up dp and place bets

    $40 DP place bets for $30 and so on and son afteer 5 hours on table it's late like 2 am your tired n hungry follow rules of gambling QUIT

    this is mistake evry gambler makes your brain is not functioning you lose focus and you going nuts betting hardways and other gambling bets wind up losing like $1500 back

  14. #14
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    o btw you wrong 6 or 8 placed for $18 pays $21 $39 pick up bank of $265 now is $304 if your confused asked dealers what it pays and watch them they make mistakes too

    i do it every time and they apologise i make them laugh i say thats why they put pencils on ereasers lol

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by 7deuceoff$uit View Post
    Not sure if you're wording this right, but you are not making a $16 profit on a 7 or a $32 profit on the point.

    Your total wager is $44 ($20 Don't Pass and $24 on the 6). If a 7 comes, you collect $40, but $20 of that is what you wagered and you lose the $24 place bet, so your profit is -$4.

    If the 6 comes, you collect $52, but $24 of that was what you wagered and you lose the $20 Don't Pass bet, so your profit is +$8.

    again buddy your wrong start with $300 dp $20 place 6 or 8 $18 = $262 point made you win $21 + $18 = $39 = $301

    7 out pick up $40 +$262 = $302 but that on 6 or 8 minimum profit

    it's algebra pal do same thing to both sides of equation

    so say point is 5 or 9 they pay 7/5 300$ - $35 = $265 7 out pick up $40 bank is now $305 point made boom $21 +$15 is $36 bank is $301

    of course you want 7 out but think long term each shooter average time is 5 minutes thats 12 times per hour your average win is $3 minimum

    thats a whopping $36 per hour ok you played for 4 hours $144 won err ummmmmmmm 8 hours work at $15 per hour is $120 but thats taxed 33% - $39.60 YOU have $80.40 take home

    it's simple buddy you count chips at end you cash out $565 you won $265 plus free food comps and earned reward points

    even if you lost $100 still get free food comps and rewrds points plus free slot play heck grab a bite t eat use $100 plus free slot plat maybe get lucky hit like $1000 on one slot with .50 minmum bet

    if not screw it go home with $100 and try again later in week this what i averged past 5 years o craps about $250 won in 5 hours

    think long term you play 4 days a week X $250 BOOM $1000 week thats $52000.00 net profit for years maybe more because you only use those funds to gamble with but now treat it as a business your earning money not winning damn give $1000 to start on crap table im fricking wealthy after 5 hours but have to play at different casinos which i have like 5 near me

    THEY will limit you if you keep winning $1000's per day rare but they can do it

    so make sure your winning on 7 outs they raking huge profits as much as $1500 i seen go back they would love to pay you $150

    per player hell they will not complain you cash out $3000 after 4 hours and they busted out 10 others for like $20,000

  16. #16
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    again what your comfy with place bets for more if they making points more $20 on 5 or 9 wins $28 your bank is now $308

    but 6 or 8 7 out you laid out $44 7 out $256 + $40 mehhhhhhhhhh - $4 $296 be horrible is that happened 7 shooters in a row

    then again you lay odds so your $20 plus $12 = $50 out on 6 or 8 $18 placed 7 out you win 20 + $10 + $20 +$12 $52 picked up bank is $302

    if they make point urghhhhhhhhhh $250 plus $39 is $289 like i said you have to keep bets where you profit no matter what

    no bettinhg hop 7s or any 7 thats $4 gone after point is made and omg wacked with any 11 $24 gone

    i did this before after 1 hour i was negative $25 ok if your one way DP then yes any 7 will save you lots $5 pays $20 but again

    it's horrible if any 11 comes out $5 plus $15 $20 gone

    laters goota scoot
