Quote Originally Posted by Carseller4 View Post
Once again....the people that knew him best called him a left-wing pot-head. Don't need some George Soros funded website to tell us different.

C-gold.....check our thread!
I'm more inclined to read anything from a George Soros website than a car salesman as Soros has demonstrated his brilliance time and again by correctly anticipating changes in the currency market for starters. You should have his picture on your wall next to other great capitalists. He was instrumental in helping his native Hungary transition from communism to capitalism after the collapse of the former Soviet Union. He made 1 billion $$$ in one day in 1992 by correctly anticipating the British governments currency devaluation. I'm shocked that you would have anything negative to say about an immigrant who came to this country and achieved the American dream. George Soros is a billionaire thanks to capitalism. Perhaps you should pay closer attention to what he has to say as he clearly has demonstrated a superior intellect to that of your own.