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I hate this young generation!!!

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Default I hate this young generation!!!

I've been bangin this fukin chick that turned 18 a few months ago. Dumber than a box of rocks!

She claims she is going to the Air Force a couple months after graduation, she may have already signed the fukin paperwork, she's hell bent on it.

I told her she could use my cok as a joystick and pretend she is flying a predator drone.

I then told her she needs to stay here & fight the Al Qaeda off my cok

She got pissed & left


Why would a braindead bitch want to join the Air Force? Profit is right here, something is wrong. 50 years ago this bitch would have had 3 fuking kids by now and would have had two purposes in life: 1)satisfy her man; 2)take care of the family.

Profit, check out her teachers and tell them to back the fuk off. Has to be some nose-ringed femo dyke telling her this or some snake recruiter.