I've been on and off this site for about a year(originally for el capitan's jm thread last year). Never signed up until today. This whole Sawyer thing is a joke. I, like many others go to his thread on a daily basis to see his games. Maybe I play them, maybe I don't. But there are a handful of people here who ruin it for those of us interested in his games. If you don't like what he does, fine. If you want to comment on it, fine again. But do it once and don't beat it like a dead horse. We should all be adults on here that should be smart enough to notice all of the things you guys are pointing out. It's great that there are so many watchdogs on here. But if you don't like what he does you have the choice to avoid it. If the 50-100-1000? people following him don't like having to read all of your bashing posts we are screwed. Because all you do is waste our time and the thread. Then chase him out. Look if a new pizza shop opens next to my house and advertises authentic new york pizza(which I love) and I go inside and order only to find it's chicago thick, I will go inside and complain. Once. Not stand outside and start a picket line until the place goes out of business or changes all advertising materials. And sure I may tell my neighbors. But at the end of the day, it's up to each individual person to decide if that pizza is right for them and their money. Same thing with Sawyer's picks. You may think that he's wrong. But it's up to me to research what I can about him before I throw money on his picks. I will see all of the things you guys have pointed out, on my own. And if I bet his games it's on me. Everyone knows 95% of all gamblers lose. Looks like the 5% winners are the ones who say they win and bash Sawyer. If they truly are winners why come on here to see this or any thread? I gladly admit that my % is somewhere around 40-45. That's why I come to a forum. And 52% isn't bad. I end up with the same money I started with. Alot better than many other cappers give. After youve paid them by the way. and if he posts a oct-nov, dec, jan-jun record, who gives a rats ass? I can grab my calculator and add all of them up to get an overall record if I just have to know. Again, sorry it's so long but I'm just trying to be a voice of reason for those of us who are interested in what he has to say and don't want to waste our time going through things that we see already ourselves but obviously don't care about. Please don't let them get to you Sawyer.