Originally <a href='https://www.sportsbookreview.com/forum/showthread.php?p=31108789'>posted</a> on 01/13/2023:

Quote Originally Posted by DwightShrute View Post
People that actually do things, they have failures. Its part of success. If you don't fail, then you aren't doing anything to begin with. Yippie what a success.

NFT cards aren't fake. Not every NFT makes money. NFT's a multi billion industry which is still in its infant stages. Trump's NFT's might never be worth anything or they might be in the future. Tell that to the kids that put Mickey Mantle rookie cards in the bike spokes. Ya never know is the point. No one is forcing you to buy his NFT's or anyone else's.

"His own lawyers" is your latest go-to narrative when it comes to election fraud. The election was rigged. There is no denying it. We all knew it way back them before the Musk bought Twitter and verified this fact. They just never figured someone would actually buy Twitter and confirm it. Just like the Washington swamp never figured Trump could ever win in 2016. Until he did. Then he too showed everyone what most of us already knew. How corrupt Washington and the MSM are. Not everyone admits all this. They refuse. They choose to keep believing the same people who have been lying to them forever and obviously there is no limit as to what you will continue to believe and for how long.
No no not triggered, says the guy who spends 10 hours a day here defending trump's obvious scams.

But post some more memes, nothing says not triggered like a grown man spam posting memes.