Originally posted on 09/09/2021:

KVB I randomly recorded that super bowl when I was in 4th or 5th grade and would watch it all the time. Don’t really know why, not a fan of either team (bills or giants), just a little kid and thought the idea of the super bowl was cool I guess. But I included the national anthem by Whitney Houston (also, don’t know why) and I watched it over and over and over, anthem and all. That’ll forever be my standard to which an anthem is held. Even as a child I was just blown away. And actually here recently as an adult, I have actually started listening to her music more and more and my fukkin Christ she could sing! I mean we all knew she could sing, but when it’s just on the radio all the time, like as you become old enough to have memories in the 80s, and that’s just what’s on the radio, it doesn’t really strike just how fukkin GOOD she was until you take years of time off of hearing her shit. Really one of our biggest musician tragedies, it’s good that we got a pretty good career out of her, but someone who had such a gift and shared it with us doesn’t deserve to go out the way she did.

Anyway hahaha….that got long…