Originally posted on 09/07/2021:

Quote Originally Posted by jjgold View Post
When they call fix
Or get angry every time they lose a bet this game is not for you
JJ. If this were the case you would not have a forum. 99% of the people claiming to be gamblers in here are losers and they always cry. Hell even KVB pretends that he knows something about gaming and he has already been caught many times ling about his alleged gaming habits that simply do not exist. The facts are very simple. You lose because you wagered on the LOSING team. Period. End of discussion.

There are way too many phonies in here. Go no further than yourself JJ. I challenged you to a contest and all you did was run and duck me. Just like 99% of the cowards in here. Your problem is that you have to have money to make money and you poor slobs are flat broke. That is the truth and very few in here will admit to that.