1. #1
    MinnesotaFats's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Fauci might be fukked


    This directly contradicts his Senate testimony I believe.

  2. #2
    nyplayer33's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Please put him in jail

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    ericc's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Quote Originally Posted by MinnesotaFats View Post

    This directly contradicts his Senate testimony I believe.

    Isn't the Intercept on his side?

  4. #4
    firstclass's Avatar SBR PRO
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    cnn did 10 min interview after this came out.. Not 1 question about it ..

  5. #5
    grease lightnin
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    I posted this yesterday. As much as I hope he gets what he deserves, I seriously doubt a damn thing will happen to him.

  6. #6
    grease lightnin
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    Quote Originally Posted by ericc View Post
    Isn't the Intercept on his side?

    They are left-leaning. That’s what makes this more damning if you ask me. But alas, they are not mainstream.

    Only other US media outlet I have seen pick it up so far is NYP. Fox probably next. The rest probably won’t say a fukkin thing

  7. #7
    The Kraken
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    Quote Originally Posted by grease lightnin View Post
    They are left-leaning. That’s what makes this more damning if you ask me. But alas, they are not mainstream.

    Only other US media outlet I have seen pick it up so far is NYP. Fox probably next. The rest probably won’t say a fukkin thing
    So I just read the article and must not be in the loop

    Ehats the connection here, and/or the issue? I didn't see Fauci named in the article and it seemed fairly benign other than the US had given a $600,000 grant to subsidize coronavirus research in the Wuhan lab. But I think thats pretty standard

    Did Fauci deny that grant was given?

    I admit I dont know much regarding Dr Fauci so help a brotha understand the issue.

  8. #8
    TheGoldenGoose's Avatar SBR PRO
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    @ Fats

    JC. What were your thoughts on Jesse Ventura when he was Minnesota Governor?

  9. #9
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    He's protected

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Kraken View Post
    So I just read the article and must not be in the loop

    Ehats the connection here, and/or the issue? I didn't see Fauci named in the article and it seemed fairly benign other than the US had given a $600,000 grant to subsidize coronavirus research in the Wuhan lab. But I think thats pretty standard

    Did Fauci deny that grant was given?

    I admit I dont know much regarding Dr Fauci so help a brotha understand the issue.
    Yes, in Senate's testimony he was grilled by Sen Paul on Wuhan funding and Fauchi first denied it, then said it was a different kind of funding (not CV funding) then said it was but wasn't animal related (gain of function), etc... this seems to align w Sen Paul statements.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheGoldenGoose View Post
    @ Fats

    JC. What were your thoughts on Jesse Ventura when he was Minnesota Governor?
    I thought Jesse was fair. He had good people around him and wasn't ideological, he was common sense politically and a fiscal conservative.

    Much like Trump, Jesse was probably left socially and right fiscally & judicially.

    That's why I never understood the opposition to him or Trump by independents or libertarians. Both guys were exactly what you want leading. Non ideological, non career politicians. That's what it should be.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by grease lightnin View Post
    They are left-leaning. That’s what makes this more damning if you ask me. But alas, they are not mainstream.

    Only other US media outlet I have seen pick it up so far is NYP. Fox probably next. The rest probably won’t say a fukkin thing

    If they are not mainstream then maybe they are avant-garde. Ask yourself, are they leading the left to the right or the right to the left?

  13. #13
    slewfan's Avatar SBR PRO
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    He should be fcuked..

    Senator calls for Fauci investigation after damning Wuhan lab funding report

    Sen. Tom Cotton called out revelations that Dr. Anthony Fauci appeared to have lied about “gain-of-function” research at a Chinese lab at the center of the pandemic.


    McEnany connects the dots after Wuhan bombshell suggests Fauci has lied to US

    Last edited by slewfan; 09-08-21 at 04:37 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by slewfan View Post
    He should be fcuked..

    Senator calls for Fauci investigation after damning Wuhan lab funding report

    Sen. Tom Cotton called out revelations that Dr. Anthony Fauci appeared to have lied about “gain-of-function” research at a Chinese lab at the center of the pandemic.


    McEnany connects the dots after Wuhan bombshell suggests Fauci has lied to US

    Don't count on Cotton. He's about as effective as Gowdy when it comes to closing the door on investigations.

  15. #15
    Sanity Check
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    Most of those saying: "Fauci is fkd".

    Won't remember this happened in 2 days.

    That's been my experience anyway.

    "See no evil, hear no evil, remember no evil."

  16. #16
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    I don't think any politician cares. They are the elite. Both hands on the cookie jar. They will always survive while people struggle in the trenches.

  17. #17
    Thomorino - Fade and Get Paid
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    Fauci is twice the man Trump will ever be. Trump is a despicable misogynist and racist.

  18. #18
    The Kraken
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    I dont know man. Seems like a stretch here. The article was vague as well, nothing concrete.

    And people in power rarely are held accountable. Even if he was guilty of something, seems like it would be minor or the powers that be would simply look the other way

  19. #19
    grease lightnin
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Kraken View Post
    I dont know man. Seems like a stretch here. The article was vague as well, nothing concrete.

    And people in power rarely are held accountable. Even if he was guilty of something, seems like it would be minor or the powers that be would simply look the other way

    It is 100% clear that he lied. The documents prove NIH funded research in Wuhan that modified coronaviruses to make them unnaturally more transmissible to humans and more infectious. This is “gain of function” research. And it is likely why COVID-19 has spread the way it has, and why it has made some so sick. It is not natural, and was likely created in a lab, which Fauci also said didn’t happen in April of 2020:

    “If you look at the evolution of the virus in bats and what's out there now, [the scientific evidence] is very, very strongly leaning toward this could not have been artificially or deliberately manipulated … Everything about the stepwise evolution over time strongly indicates that [this virus] evolved in nature and then jumped species,” Fauci said.”

    The emails proved that he was told that it did look engineered and that funding through EcoHealthAlliance didn’t go through the proper channels and could have funded research that created COVID-19, and he obviously tried to cover their tracks. After the emails came out, Rand Paul, in another Senate hearing claimed Fauci was lying and said he was filing a criminal referral to the DOJ that Fauci lied to Congress. Fauci famously replied that Rand Paul was the one who was lying.

    You are right that the article doesn’t explicitly say “Anthony Fauci lied to Congress”. But Richard Ebright, who is the expert cited in the article, the one who reviewed the 900 pages they obtained, said a lot on Twitter, and I suggest if you really want to know a about this, look at his tweets on this article…but this was his final tweet:

    “The documents make it clear that assertions by the NIH Director, Francis Collins, and the NIAID Director, Anthony Fauci, that the NIH did not support gain-of-function research or potential pandemic pathogen enhancement at WIV are untruthful.“

    Bottom line is this: Fauci told Senators in a hearing that the NIH:

    "has not ever and does not now fund gain of function research in the Wuhan Institute of Virology."

    And it was a big ‘ol fat lie. What else has he lied about that we still do know know about?

    Last edited by grease lightnin; 09-09-21 at 04:05 AM.

  20. #20
    The Kraken
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    Quote Originally Posted by grease lightnin View Post
    It is 100% clear that he lied. The documents prove NIH funded research in Wuhan that modified coronaviruses to make them unnaturally more transmissible to humans and more infectious. This is “gain of function” research. And it is likely why COVID-19 has spread the way it has, and why it has made some so sick. It is not natural, and was likely created in a lab, which Fauci also said didn’t happen in April of 2020:

    “If you look at the evolution of the virus in bats and what's out there now, [the scientific evidence] is very, very strongly leaning toward this could not have been artificially or deliberately manipulated … Everything about the stepwise evolution over time strongly indicates that [this virus] evolved in nature and then jumped species,” Fauci said.”

    The emails proved that he was told that it did look engineered and that funding through EcoHealthAlliance didn’t go through the proper channels and could have funded research that created COVID-19, and he obviously tried to cover their tracks. After the emails came out, Rand Paul, in another Senate hearing claimed Fauci was lying and said he was filing a criminal referral to the DOJ that Fauci lied to Congress. Fauci famously replied that Rand Paul was the one who was lying.

    You are right that the article doesn’t explicitly say “Anthony Fauci lied to Congress”. But Richard Ebright, who is the expert cited in the article, the one who reviewed the 900 pages they obtained, said a lot on Twitter, and I suggest if you really want to know a about this, look at his tweets on this article…but this was his final tweet:

    “The documents make it clear that assertions by the NIH Director, Francis Collins, and the NIAID Director, Anthony Fauci, that the NIH did not support gain-of-function research or potential pandemic pathogen enhancement at WIV are untruthful.“

    Bottom line is this: Fauci told Senators in a hearing that the NIH:

    "has not ever and does not now fund gain of function research in the Wuhan Institute of Virology."

    And it was a big ‘ol fat lie. What else has he lied about that we still do know know about?

    Gotcha. Im all for him being held accountable. I have no particular fondness for Fauci so whatever his fate is, so be it.

    But I just assumed everyone lied to Congress and got away with it. And I assume everyone in Congress are liars themselves. I have zero faith in Congress so if someone lies to them I guess I dont care. Liars cant demand honesty from others.

    Im pretty apathetic towards the whole dog n pony show that Congress has turned in to
