Originally posted on 11/13/2020:

Quote Originally Posted by acquavallo View Post
I agree with 99.99% of what you post, but you're way off on this one. I've done a complete, deep dive on this one- all partisanship aside.
The main problem is that all tech & mainstream media, including Fox, have gone beyond their usual minimizing \ contradicting \ burying, to outright ignoring & deleting...99% of relevant stuff has not been presented to the general public, in a desperate attempt that the clock running down + pressure from unknowing public carries Biden. (In fact, their own Leftist partisans are also so unaware that the sudden shock \ outrage will likely trigger the most vicious protests ever.)

I could prove my point- but it'd be extremely long- winded & why kill odds for many.
I will say this- this is the organized crime of the century. The vote counts of the six states in question (pa, az, wi, mi, ga, nv) were absolutely cooked to the tune of several million each, and Trump actually won them all (this was also done in 40+ other states). Without counting the cheating in 30+ other States, only the 6 in question, his popular vote so far is at 75-80 million & 300+ Electoral votes, Biden closer to 60.The upcoming recounts will prove it without needing help (& thus protracted periods) from the courts & legislatures- although i hope the process goes to completion for the sake of the lesser offices, for there's even a small chance the House gets flipped. If it doesn't, due to the sheer resources and time necessary, we may never confirm all the numbers- each State had multiply cheating methods in place \ just one uncovering flips the State, no need to run up the score. Ditto for the total of six states- as soon as the necessary 3 states are done, but for the sake of Congress & other offices, including local, i hope this gets done to the bitter end.

So bet Trump 2nd term with both fists. He wins on the present recounts, and as if that wasn't enough, the Right controls the 3 other backup roads: Courts, legislatures of the 6 states ( only they certify vote & appoint electors- gov & state officials have no say), US House (by state delegations- 31+ of 50 depending on final official results).

Long term this will result in huge backlashes.
Will hasten cable tv cord cutting & disdain for the main tv networks- specially their news & sports divisions- and their corporate parents. Even among Leftists, because lying about and hiding negative news from non-Leftist viewers also bamboozled their own partisans.
Alternative news sites and media platforms will overtake the present Titans- it's already begun actually.
And will immediately trigger a complete overhaul of elections.
And we may see a split into multiple parties.

As soon as recounts are posted, even if not official, I'll post criminal details. You probably won't believe them, they're too ridiculous even for a B Hollywood script. The Dems were so brazen & over the top, with many scatterbrained... plus no one really in total control, otherwise we never find out. Ditto if any other Repub was President- would've conceded \ folded over like a cheap suit. Ditto also with a less popular President, and this last was the main trigger- surmounting deficits of millions of votes was just too much to surreptitiously pull off.
Repubs just dodged a bullet of never again winning office or Congressional majority.
Bwahaha everything you say here is incorrect. You are a true moron of the highest order.