Originally posted on 11/12/2020:

Quote Originally Posted by TheMoneyShot View Post
That's the entire point. A lot of people oppose Whitmer's sh#$. That's why it happened. If she governed the state fairly... maybe she wouldn't have to look over her shoulder? Everyone in the streets talked about voting Republican. Trump had a 58% to 42% lead at around 11 PM. Bunch of BS lies and voter count after that. It's very alarming that there are 83 counties in Michigan and 72 of those counties went Republican. How the fukk does Trump lose? Major rigged shi#hole.John James also had a major lead... larger than Trump. He also lost. He won't concede either.
This right here. Cheaters are everywhere, everyday in every walk of life and career... There is not a shred of doubt in my mind that this was fixed during the night. People give human beings too much credit. Hey Biden will probably still end up being president... but he's a fuking controlled cheating piece of trash regardless. Orange man bad... Biden is such a trustworthy good ole boy... it literally is comical as well as pathetic that he's the savior of the democratic party.