Originally posted on 04/04/2020:

Quote Originally Posted by mezmurized2 View Post

First of all, please stop with the big type and silly fonts, it doesn't make your argument stronger, rather the opposite. And it's just annoying.

The number of "illnesses" "hospitalizations" and "deaths" for flu and covid are all estimated. The death "number" is not quite as shaky of an endpoint, however it is questionable, since people with chronic diseases certainly can't be said to have died just from flu, or covid, for that matter. Why? Any right minded person who thought someone age 40 who just dropped dead from the "flu" wouldn't consider that person "healthy", either --- but the CDC claims this happens and reports it. So let's hold the same standard for covid. Also, if you tested someone on their death bed for covid and he was already dying from metastatic cancer, you wouldn't consider that a "covid" death. You'd just say he happened to have covid since he's in the hospital where it is in spades, but died from cancer. And that's if the test is accurate, another question, even.

Again, you are using Johns Hopkins stats now, not CDC. So switcheroo to the boogeyman stats. It still doesn't matter; the 273k confirmed cases are clearly not the number of people infected or asymptomatic, so the number is inflated because the denominator is far larger, in reality. Why is this such a hard concept for people. The deaths even in NYC, right now, ARE NOT MORE THAN LAST YEAR. If this is such a tragedy, why are fewer people dying right now, IN NEW YORK CITY, than last year? Compare each day to each day.

You will never address this point, because it exposes your fear mongering for what it is: poppycock.

Until you do, stop arguing the pointless statistics, which you butcher. If you make a good faith comparison, or try to, I will respond in kind. Until then, you are fear mongering and have an agenda, like the media and yes, like JHU