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Another mystery death related to clintons...

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2nd senator killed nearby (don't know the details)...... this strikes me more as double murder or murder/suicide related to love triangle. given the physical proximity (other was in neighbouring oklahoma).. OTOH, they were both state senators so not sure they'd interact that much. and a fairly significant time lag between the murders (or at least discovery, not sure).

very puzzling......... i doubt it's clinton related though, and trust me no one dislikes them more than me.

can someone fill me in on vince foster? i'm highly suspicious. i have seen "it's so obvious....." with lots of evidence BOTH WAYS (suicide vs. staged suicide). it's like you need to be intimately involved with case to know the truth


as mentioned, 2nd state senator (ok) dead (technically, former state senator)

people ask for validation on the DHS missing money/Clinton Foundation angle. and people say "hey, it's in the regular press. are you too lazy/stupid to google?"... you google for any remotely reputable media source and, lo and behold, there's the missing money investigation and the ark state senator. but no reference to the clintons.


Quote Originally Posted by bigbubbafade View Post
This will go nowhere.

Who will report it? Nobody. Who will bring them to justice? Nobody.

People in the establishment know you do not fuk with the Clintons
I'm glad that old hag lost the election. She strikes me as having a very evil side to her personna