Originally <a href='https://www.sportsbookreview.com/forum/showthread.php?p=28427850'>posted</a> on 02/16/2019:

Quote Originally Posted by brooks85 View Post
that's a really long and strange number

try again;

How old is the Earth?
Look son. I have met a few liberals in my life and you cannot teach someone who is inherently stupid. It is common knowledge the planet is 6000 years old.

Do you believe the lies that exist in this world? Do you honestly believe the GDP only was up 5%? Do you believe the lies concocted by the deep state? Brooks, I have read some of your posts and frankly, you are incapable of discussing the President in a meaningful way.

A person who is faithful to the country and god would know that trying to bait liberals is not a badge of honor but a sign of disgrace. Therefore the liberal ideas that you have is at best shameful. Here, you would definitely be the donkey in my avatar.