Originally posted on 01/06/2018:

Quote Originally Posted by RangeFinder View Post
And doesn't carry near the weight the New Testament does.
How is this a fact? Would you agree this is a completely subjective opinion of yours? Your argument is "yeah, but the book I like is more important."

As for Christianity happening "before this book I'm talking about " -- pretty sure Judaism was around for a while before Christianity. Why aren't you Jewish? Do you think it's possible that you were just born in a Christian country, so you ended up being Christian? If you were born in Saudi Arabia, do you think you'd be arguing the validity of Jesus Christ on a gambling forum? Also, isn't gambling a sin?

Here's my angle on religion -- I remember being about 9 or 10 years old, going to church, and thinking "wow, if all of these people believe in Jesus, then it must be true. There's no way all of these people can be wrong."

As I got older, I realized one very important thing: people are penetrating stupid. If a bunch of people believe something, it's almost definitely wrong. I'm basically fading religion.

What is more likely? A mythical being impregnated a virgin with a messiah, and then he disappeared again for 2,000 years, or people 2,000 years ago were just completely unevolved and desperate for answers for things they couldn't explain?

What is more likely? You'll burn in hell for eternity if you sin, or the religion needed a backstory to keep people in line, curb violence, and establish a civil culture?

Isn't it more likely that you're desperate for some type of answer, and you're scared by the idea of being just a collection of cells that will one day wilt away into nothingness? Isn't that much more likely than the mythology you cling to?

Doesn't it make you uncomfortable to be brainwashed? I mean, there is nothing I could possibly say that would change your mind about religion...doesn't that bother you? Doesn't being a slave to something so abstract and ridiculous kind of make you feel weak?