Originally posted on 11/30/2017:

From what I see stated, this is more of a them doing flipping very lazily (to make it the quickest) and then evening up. The evening up part is what is not allowed. If you are truly just flipping, then the outcome is whatever is the outcome and while it is against the spirit of why SBR has rollover requirements, it is allowed by SBR.

If it is chip dumping as Rudy originally pointed out, that is also very clearly not allowed and SBR would put a stop to it. Given the responses from Shari and Opti, I think all is good now.

Good job on Rudy pointing it out, we all need try and keep our SBR community on the up and up.

This is not about "ratting-out" like bonzaii notes. If we allow the poker room to get out of hand and we turn a blind eye to obvious skirting of the rules, then it will eventually be stopped permanently by SBR as the cost-benefit of having to police it more actively will outweigh the advantages of keeping.

Plus, what is wrong with following the rules of a (near) free site that gives lots of benefits???