Originally posted on 09/26/2016:

There is nothing Hillary can do tonight to change unreachable people like most in this thread. This is the Fox New crowd at its finest. They supported Trump when he was left of Ralph Nadar and now support him when he is right of Dick Cheney. The dumbest of our society. They bought the 20 year hatchet job put on Hillary like the puppets they are. 20 thousand accusations on Hillary and not one of them have stuck. This is a strong woman that threatens these white assholes manhood. If she wins this election it might be the biggest unbelievable thing that has happen in our lifetime. She is fighting a 20 year hatchet job and also fighting a guy that gets free press while she has to buy it. Political just said Trump lies every three minutes lol. Like i said these people that support Trump are the lowest of our society. Guys who pounded their chest wanting us in Iraq because they were sold that Saddam cause 9/11, and will fall for anything a decent liar runs past them. Not even worth watching this. Donald could whip his co ck out and piss on the screen telling everyone to suck it and these ignorant unreachable assholes will find something good about it. Good day.