Originally posted on 09/22/2016:

Quote Originally Posted by Russian Rocket View Post

The email of a White House staff member has been hacked by DC Leaks, revealing what the group claims is Michelle Obama's passport.
In addition to the staffer's correspondence with other White House workers, the emails also reveal detailed schedules for members of the Secret Service, the First Lady and Vice President Joe Biden.
The young staffer also appears to be heavily involved in organizing events for Hillary Clinton.

A Powerpoint slide from a May event in Houston with Hillary Clinton (above)

DC Leaks said in an email: 'The leaked files show the security level of our government. If terrorists hack emails of White House Office staff and get such sensitive information we will see the fall of our country.'
The hack also revealed a Power Point detailing the recent trip of Vice President Joe Biden to the Intercontinental Hotel in Cleveland on June 26 of this year.
The detailed report includes how many stairs Biden will be walking up as he arrives at the hotel loading dock and makes his way up to the second floor of the facility.
It also features an photo image of Biden waving as he travels from the loading dock and up the stairs, laying out all the rooms and who he will be expected to meet and speak with at the event.

The First Lady gets the same treatment for a Let's Move event being held in Waynesboro, Georgia.
And even a Hillary Clinton event held in May of this year in Houston is detailed, from who will be meeting the Democratic hopeful to, once again, the number of steps she will walk up and down.
There are also detailed documents detailing the movements for Clinton and those with her on a number of campaign events, from who will be riding in which car and their phone numbers to the manifest on her private plane as it travels around the country.
Most of those listed are members of the advance team for Hillary for America, along with Clinton aide Connolly Keigher and Clinton senior policy adviser Maya Harris.

Joe Biden's trip to Cleveland in June featured an image of a waving VPOTUS (above)

A slide laying out a visit to a middle school in Georgia with the First Lady (above)

There is also personal correspondences between the staffers and friends, as well as notes to professors, like one in April of 2015 in which he informs one of his teachers that he will be late for class due to a last second obligation he has as part of the advance team for the First Lady.
'I am very sorry about the last minute nature of this email. I am on the advance team for Mrs Obama, and they bumped up our meetings today on site in VA (they were supposed to be tonight!) I hate missing class more than anything else, I hopefully should be back I DC by 430, and I will sprint to the lab,' writes the staffer.
An email from Arielle Medina, Clinton's travel coordinator, also reveals how much those who are working on the campaign are getting paid.
'You will receive a day rate for full work days and 1/2 of that rate for travel-only days. The rate for leads is $150 ($75 for travel-only); the rate for press leads, site leads and RONs is $110 ($55 for travel-only); the rate for credentials, S2/P2s, and motorcade is $75 ($37.50for travel-only),' reads the email to the staffer and others on the team.
The email also reminds everyone that receipts must be saved if they want to be reimbursed and that public transportation must be taken to airport for flights between the hours of 7:00am and 10:00pm.
All team members must also share hotel rooms.
The messages were all taken from the staffers GMail account starting back in 2015, while the individual was still in college, through this past July.
DC Leaks is the same group that earlier this month hacked into the email account of former Secretary of State Colin Powell, releasing his private information.
Those emails revealed Powell's disdain for Trump and his at times reluctance to support Clinton in the upcoming election.

Hillary and stairs don't get along..