1. #1
    dante1's Avatar SBR PRO
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    anybody taking Prednisone

    long term. If so and you would like to talk about it. Dosage, reason why, how you feel on it, does it help/hurt and any other detail you might want to share. realize this is personal crap so naturally only if you feel inclined to share, I would like some more info to supplement what I know.


  2. #2
    Snowball's Avatar SBR PRO
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    real bad stuff.. avoid it if at all possible..
    no, i've never taken it, but my uncle's wife
    is on it long term for copd, rheumatoid arthritis.
    its a killer on the organs. it causes inflammation.
    i gave it to my cat until she passed away also.
    last resort, if you can't function..
    what is the health issue ?

  3. #3
    Andy117's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Prednisone has a ton of different indications. How long term are you talking?

  4. #4
    Broke Homey
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    I was on it for a while when i first injured my back. However, while in the hospital after my surgery they realized it would spike my sugar level's (i am type 2 diabetic) over 800 within minutes of taking it. Now as for it helping? I never noticed a difference with taking it or not. I know some people swear by it, but it did nothing for me. Message me and i will send you a link for a website that DR.'s to cross reference medications. Absolutely any question or concern you have can be answered there.

  5. #5
    Microbetter's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Avoid this if you can. Prednisone should only be short term (6 days) because of the damage it can do to your organs from the spike in blood sugar. I have a Zpack for emergency exacerbation of my COPD. If you are taking this for COPD, switch to an inhaled steroid like Flovent or Advair. If you have COPD, use an albuterol inhaler, then 10 minutes later take the Flovent.

  6. #6
    dante1's Avatar SBR PRO
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    thanks guys, yeah it is dangerous.

    I was diagnosed with a rare muscle disorder, actually that is not true. I diagnosed myself after 3 years of failing health. True story, I saw a bunch of neurologists and a few rheumatologists after blood tests showing elevated muscle enzymes. Saw specialists up and down the east coast and nobody was able to diagnose me. So I decided to hit the net with Webmd, Johns Hopkins and a few others I trusted. After researching dozens of diseases and disorders that fit my symptoms I hit upon a rare muscle disorder called polymyositis. Every single symptom matched including white cold hands in 30 degree temperature.

    So I took the article to my family guy he read it and said...you know what, this is what you have. Let's do a muscle biopsy and sure enough that is what I have. Right now the only treatment is steroids. I was pretty sick for a long time. I weight trained in my 30's and 40's and haven't been in the gym for a little. So four or so years ago before I knew I was ill I started some light weights and struggled tremendously and I thought wtf is going on here. So I dismissed it to age and lack of training, but I knew it was more than that. I mean I am talking 20 lb dumb bells. So I continue with the blood tests and still elevated. That is when I started with the specialists.

    Make this a short story because it is a bit boring. Finally because of the muscle biopsy I was started on steroids. I know how dangerous they are, I researched but the good part is it is a low dose. 10mgs twice a day and up to 30 if I still feel ill. First day I took the steroids it had an immediate effect. Muscles didn't ache as much and I didn't feel like I was ready to die. I actually felt young again. So I am on them now about three months and they are not working as before. Still feeling okay but my rheumatologist wants me to taper down to maybe 10 or 15 mgs. I am between a rock and hard place because it will be difficult living without these drugs. Appointments coming up shortly.
    She mentioned something about another med that might help.

    So this is a bit of an learning curve for you guys/gals. When faced with this type of situation you must be your own advocate. I saw so many specialists and none had a real answer. One even put me on IVIG drip, that did nothing for me. I started researching and found this rare muscle disorder, better than ALS which they first said was possible. If something happens like this and you get no help, do it yourself. Doctors are great but they don't have all the answers, you must advocate for yourself. If I didn't find this disease I would still be jerking around with docs that I sometimes think don't want you if you present with problems they are not familiar with. Yeah, the last one said we must send you to Johns Hopkins or Pittsburgh.

  7. #7
    dante1's Avatar SBR PRO
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    Thank you B, Andy, Snowball and Micro

  8. #8
    dante1's Avatar SBR PRO
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    Quote Originally Posted by Broke Homey View Post
    I was on it for a while when i first injured my back. However, while in the hospital after my surgery they realized it would spike my sugar level's (i am type 2 diabetic) over 800 within minutes of taking it. Now as for it helping? I never noticed a difference with taking it or not. I know some people swear by it, but it did nothing for me. Message me and i will send you a link for a website that DR.'s to cross reference medications. Absolutely any question or concern you have can be answered there.

    Hey, my family doc was concerned about diabetes also. But, thank God the blood test came back at 104 so i am close to borderline. We will watch it closely.

  9. #9
    Snowball's Avatar SBR PRO
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    Dante.. polymytosis is chronic inflammation of the muscles.

    Listen to this 3-hour talk show..

    if you decide to do this, the .pdf link is

  10. #10
    dante1's Avatar SBR PRO
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    thanks bud, yeah I got that when I researched it, I will listen to this.

    again thanks my friend, you can never know too much about this crap.

  11. #11
    Broke Homey
    Hey Cancer, penetrate You!!
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    I tried to pm you but it wouldnt let me, something about me being a noob and needing 40 posts i think. Every answer to any medicine and illness can be found there. They also have really active forums for people on different meds or dealing with a illness. I hope it helps and be well!

    Broke homey

  12. #12
    dante1's Avatar SBR PRO
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    thanks bud
