Originally posted on 01/20/2016:

Quote Originally Posted by SightSeer View Post
Nobody said you were a horrible person, but Flip never said 'Follow this play and you'll get rich'. He even says, I like this a lot, but tread lightly. This is an amateur gambling forum. You shouldn't try to bully people from posting their plays because you think you're right and they're wrong, or because you think it's a so called coin flip game but they don't. You're in other threads debating whether or not you should take the UNC/Wake over, but was on the fence, then you decided to just go for it. In my opinion, that seems like the very definition of a coin flip game to you mentally, so what's the difference? You might have some data to back your play up, but does that mean flip has NO data to make his play? Hypocrisy
difference being i dont tout any play as some 5 star bomb or A+ tout bs. in fact all the threads i start i mention i dont have a crystal ball and my goal is to win over the course of a season where very few plays are any more important than the rest.. there nothing hypocritical about what i said or am saying now., when you start threads with tout wording then continually say "follow me its a winner" like you have a crystal ball you encouraging the kind of shit that gets ppl into trouble,. sure everyone should make their own decisions but we talking about a place a lot of young and dumb degens come and that wording and brovado on a game nobody knows the outcome leads those types down a dangerous road.,.

far as the over play yes i played it and others, never said it was a coin flip (said that totals that high still give me the scares since im used to a ncaa where i would never touch). i also dont tell everyone what a lock it is and damn sure dont use tout bs units as i dont believe you should ever go over 3, 5 at most on something incredibly rare. if your "unit" is correct 1-2 should basically be all your plays..