Originally posted on 08/22/2015:

Quote Originally Posted by BiTeMe UsAdOj View Post
I was admitted to the hospital the afternoon of August 6. I just got discharged yesterday; it was impossible for me to check in to SBR prior to this morning. I'm currently battling an ongoing serious medical problem (I have a doc's appt this afternoon); I knew deep down something was very wrong about a week prior to being admitted --- but was in denial. That's what spending a month and a half and 18 days in I.C.U. last year can do to a psyche. I knew I was destined for the hospital but wanted no part of it -- hospital living just blows, big time.

Those that really know me around here know I would never create faux drama and disappear w/o a very serious reason for doing so; particularly when other people are involved and counting on me to fill a roster spot for the World Cup Team. Missing the last 2 weeks of tourneys cost me a USA spot, but hey, I'm armed with serious narcotics (percs) so I'm gonna do everything possible to try to help Team Confeds to victory.

I already know I have another doc's appt on Monday @ noonish, so pencil me in either of those open spots at 8 or 10 I see on Slanina's schedule for Monday, please. Tues-Thurs I should be able to play any time slot that needs to be filled.

We have the horses to pull off this upset, Confeds. Let's all show up focused & determined and get er done. If I can show up after all this medical bullshit, I damn well better not see any NO SHOWS for our team. Cuz be forewarned and beware: If anyone stiffs their tourney and no shows for us, I'm in a disgusted enough frame of mind to hire someone to track you down for retribution (Think Leonard Smalls from "Raising Arizona").

Let's teach the ghosts of Lee & Stonewall how to actually WIN something.
Then I'll be able to hopefully ride off into the sunset with w/Cami with some serious booze bought with those big bad 8k betpoints from Amazon.
glad you are home...I knew you would not vanish without good reason and feared the worst based on the last time you were gone for an extended period of time. I wish you great health my friend!