Originally posted on 08/19/2015:

Quote Originally Posted by astro61200 View Post
Really? That's odd. I said it was pathetic Canada got a team. Your response?

Weird. I guess saying people are "whiners and rigtards" isn't name calling? I was commenting on the pathetic excuse of a team Canada puts out while the World and US actually have people who should make it. Made no comments toward you at all. You come back with your stupid response, trying to act like someone who cashed one or two times is deserving while people in the US don't make it with 25+ cashes.

You can make excuses all you want, but Team Canada is a joke and only a handful of the people on it deserve to make it. Those people are aggieshawn, imack, MillerTime99, sinmiedo, and JoeyBagels.

The rest of the team making it is a joke. Including you.
People whining about the conditions SBR laid out are just that, whiners. Some of these complaints are legit and reasonable; it would certainly be nicer and more equitable if SBR replaced the world cup with a more balanced format, such as the one DS suggested. However, the blame for the format stops with SBR; BD had nothing to do with it, and what you see as participation awards for Canada is merely a by-product of the format and SBR's lack of options for Canadian players. Particularly considering the daily poker tourneys are largely participation awards, this seems like a weird line to take, and SBR has long since shown us that they're not particularly receptive to major feedback like this, repeating it ad nauseum doesn't seem to make much sense either.

BD isn't the worlds greatest poker pro, as he'll readily admit, but he's far from a joke, in poker or otherwise. The rest of the teams have casual players as well, and the confed team you're trying to make has at least one joke on it. Blame SBR for the flawed format, not the people who come out ahead...and even then, realize this is at most 8k points we're talking about, the chance to win it costing you nothing. Most of us would and do play with no contest, this is just something to spice things up....keep that in mind, and place the pressure on SBR if you want changes, not outstanding posters such as BD.