Originally posted on 07/09/2015:

Most of the time I support the players....but Deandre despite being within his right legally to back out....is proving he is NOT HALF THE MAN Cuban is.....and I am finally starting to understand why Deandre and the entire Clippers orgnization has been as dysfunctional as they are over the past 20 months or so...no wonder they collapsed against the Rockets...

Cuban is right 95 percent of the time...even when he's wrong...dun kno why people take pleasure in seeing him loose out...The NBA screwed him and the MAVS in 06 when they handed Wade and the Heat the Title, Donaghy said as much...Cuban defends his players...calls out the NBA on their BS..he's one of the few owners who was willing to call Stern out on his bullshit including theatening to go to the FBI over the 06 nba finals...

He takes chances on players other teams have turned their backs on...and look what he gets in return for it...? Welcomes Odom into his house with open arms with press box seats for thew Kartrashians included..and look what that crackhead does to him? Fisher flops on him as well....takes a chance on Rondo only to have Rondo pull a Kobe and flat out quit on him in a middle of a playoff game...and now this clown Deandre comes along and verbally agrees to join the team, only to turnaround and backout at the last minute but lacks the manhood to tell Cuban face to face about it...What part of the game is this?

Deandre left LA to get away from men who act like Chris Paul, who whine and complain and bitch and moan when they don't get their way but have't won a gotdamn thing.....but as far as I can see...he behaves in the same manner...Spoiled generation y shemales who do not have the stomach for this shiiit....I see it time and time again....27 year men who sign contracts for that much money to be the face of a franchise cannot be this wish washy...that is female shiiiiiiit....no way hooosay....i expect to see Deandre on his back anytime he reaches the lane this year..whatever it takes..drops kicks and elbows..hansborough style.....the boy needs to be taught a lesson....i said...the boy needs to be taught a lesson.....and what the fuc is an emoiji?