Originally <a href='http://www.sportsbookreview.com/forum/showthread.php?p=23564823'>posted</a> on 02/11/2015:

Quote Originally Posted by muldoon View Post
Exactly. This latest THEORY finally meshes with what I have hoped could some day be mathematically proven. That being, that MAYBE the universe has always existed (something some Eastern philosophies and even writers like H.G. Wells have postulated)

To actually grasp this new THEORY, one must be willing to learn even rudimentary quantum mathematics.

So funny how the crowd that go into full clapping seal mode are fine with stories of talking donkeys, people living inside "great fish", Noah's ark - will smack their heads when science postulates a THEORY.

The scientific method is now applied to this THEORY by those with the ability.
Yeah Muldoon, you make a great point. I already jumped on some for not really understanding the definition of theory. I believe I pointed out the Theory of Gravity.

There are others who are equally as guilty of not knowing biblical teachings and the difference between religions and, well, non-religion.

You see, not everyone is strong in science but that really isn't the point here. It's true that not everyone is strong in faith, or even the word of God, but that's also not the point.

The fact that, religion aside, the word of God doesn't change and science does change only goes to emphasize the points of you and Brainfreeze.

But one of the reasons I chimed in earlier was that the product of science (as empirical inquiry) and math do not have to be opposed to the existence of God. They simply don’t.

In fact, they even have similarities. After all, the believer in God will admit he needs faith while many, but not all, men of science don’t recognize how much faith they are putting into their work. My Point is that both “sides” require faith.

It's a shame, but not surprising, that both "sides" keep regressing to this juvenile viewpoint of science vs God.

Brainfreeze makes a good point. As we've watched him wield a sword and provide varied response after response, it seems, with the exception of some posts, that the "other side" is running out of arguments, resorting to unproductive posts.

I guess, for some, it’s an attempt to derail someone’s faith…for some. And it too could be said that Brainfreeze’s underlying premise is a bit repetitive, but it’s a simple one and seems to the one on the “defensive.” This gives it a bit of leniency here.

I'm a man of both science and faith. I can also beat the sports betting marketplace and understand that to do so you must often divorce yourself from cultural influences. It has taken years to learn how to use common information in a unique way, as it currently misused by most of the marketplace. Culture plays a big part in why many lose and why I often get some of that money.

My point is that most are in the forest, but only see trees. To succeed at sports betting I’ve had to climb a few trees and recognize the forest below. I encourage posters to not only educate themselves, but climb some trees and recognize that there is a forest below. And in that forest are many who are focused on trees.

Never forget the possibility that there is something you don’t know. Stay humble regardless of “side.”

If some of this was too much for the reader, the let me tell you how I’m teaching my children:

The Christian who doesn’t believe in science is uneducated.

The scientist who doesn’t believe in God simply hasn’t found the Lord.