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Quote Originally Posted by mydickyoass View Post
I'm more disappointed in the white guy who is obviously his little bitch. It's sad what white people will do to impress the brothas.

As far as what I would do. I'd just call the cops and watch from a distance where it's nice and safe. I'm not risking my safety to try and stop these petty criminals. I'm sure the black guy will say the white guy made him do it and the white guy will agree so he can win more street cred from the brothas in the future.
yeah, not saying Id be like lets take this shit outside and fight .
But I know my horrid impulse control would get the best of me and id say something to them fukkers.
Its hard to defend when you see shit like this.
The store owners are obviously OK people and are not looking to find a reason to use "lethal" force on anyone.
A lot of places would of already came out from the back room with the LLama loaded and pointed in their direction.
Im sure the dude knew this store was a good choice to pull this stunt in... or else it would of never happened


and you wonder why such nice black kids get shot by cops.

but their family members will tell the media oh they were so well behaved and nice.

this is the byproduct of single parenting.

at least back in the days when their grandmas used to raise their bastard asses, they somewhat had manners.

nowadays, single mom's working at mickey d's don't do shit but raise criminals.


Quote Originally Posted by Fidel_CashFlow View Post
yeah, not saying Id be like lets take this shit outside and fight .
But I know my horrid impulse control would get the best of me and id say something to them fukkers.
Its hard to defend when you see shit like this.
The store owners are obviously OK people and are not looking to find a reason to use "lethal" force on anyone.
A lot of places would of already came out from the back room with the LLama loaded and pointed in their direction.
Im sure the dude knew this store was a good choice to pull this stunt in... or else it would of never happened

Their whole "skit" was pretty weak. They were probably expecting more of a reaction.