Originally posted on 01/02/2015:

The posters from around the world, do not want to post in this thread because most of the people in this thread will not want to hear what we say.

I want to make this clear....I am posting how I feel, and I couldn't give a shit the reaction.

I live in Canada. We do not have the right to carry a firearm, whether concealed or not. We have zero right to transport a firearm in our vehicle, unless it is a rifle/shotgun, and it is kept in the trunk, with a trigger lock and is being transported for use (going hunting, going to the range, etc).

I am 42 years old. I have never seen a handgun outside of the range (where most people store their gun, because they cannot use it anywhere else). I don't know anyone that owns a handgun, yet I come from a line of hunters and actually own 13 rifles and shotguns myself.

In my entire life I have NEVER thought 'I wish I had a gun on me'. I have NEVER seen a violent crime and have never had a friend or family member that has ever been affected by a violent crime.

People in in the States wonder why they are affected by so much crime.....maybe, just maybe, it is the ready access to guns, legal or not, concealed or not. It has become the norm. If I lived in the US of A I would probably defend my right as well....I remember when Canada tried 'gun control' to screw me with my hunting guns...and it pissed me off.....but handguns, semi-automatic rifles and automatic rifles, those are different stories.

Personally, I am very glad our government hasn't allowed this country the option....if they had, I can assure you I would not feel as safe. Here our criminals don't have the same options. We rarely have shootouts, of course they still happen....it isn't hard to get a handgun, hell I could order one today off of the Internet and have it tomorrow. But the difference is, our society doesn't think the same. Our criminals know that if they yell, raise their fist or (God forbid) hold up a knife, that nobody will want to mess with them. In the US every criminal knows that he needs an UZI, because of he tries to rob a place with a knife, 15 two year olds will be packing heat, just waiting for the change to blast his ass.

The right to carry.....doesn't make life safer. The problem is, that it is a deeper issue in the US, than can be addressed by just taking that right away....that option is long gone. What's the solution? Not sure.....I doubt there is one.