Originally <a href='http://www.sportsbookreview.com/forum/showthread.php?p=22957783'>posted</a> on 11/09/2014:

Quote Originally Posted by rocky16 View Post
No laughing matter pal. I wasn't born into wealth with a silver spoon in my ass like jibbby. I do this shit for a living. My capping abilities are a gift and let's me support my family. Now that they all have had a taste of the good life theyve gotten spoiled. Houses cars jewelry drugs etc etc. The shit is costly. Shit is "niqqa rich." Its not easy to get up $26 million on betting MMA. I'm a stud bro and the pressure to stay on top is stressful. You see all the focking keyboard warriors coming at me. Only way to shut them up is to keep pushing winners out the door.
I know Rocko. you keep doing you, let the beta's hate.