1. #1
    Fidel_CashFlow's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    That Ferguson thread "hey you white ....." was deleted

    Which I dont mind really

    But whats hard for me to understand is this.

    Out of all the threads ( I have seen) involving race or color, there was no race baiting in it whatsoever

    That is quite possibly the only thread where no 1 was arguing but explaining what they have seen

    in their walks of life or their view on the video. Wasnt like most of the others with hatred being spewed

    every other posts that was made. And if there was any accusations thrown out towards a specific race

    it was backed by documented statistics . Just really odd imo

    Oh well , carry on. Race is not usually a big issue for me anyways.

    Just had a couple things I wanted to get off my chest

  2. #2
    Chi_archie's Avatar SBR PRO
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    oh wow

  3. #3
    Fidel_CashFlow's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    why do I get the notion that is your sarcastic way of saying you could give 2 fukks

  4. #4
    Chi_archie's Avatar SBR PRO
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    not at all

    I have long seen what is allowed to fly here in terms of racist remarks and threads

    and I read the beginning of that thread and watched the first part of the video and I didn't see any reason an entire thread should be deleted

    makes no sense... even if it took a turn for the worse, you just censor those particular posts but not the entire thread

  5. #5
    Fidel_CashFlow's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    I was shocked but pleased at how civil everyone was being in it .

    Makes me wonder how mods really view me here....

  6. #6
    recon1's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    I've found out SOME moderators have a totalirian mentality, usually someone who was a wannabe cop, but the psychology exam found them out, or a person who the military denied because of 1 foot being longer than the other, or a women who is not comfortable with estrogen and feels the need to crack a whip to put men in place. Also, a liberal AKA: you better think and act the way the state tells you or else mentality to be bad choices for moderators. It appears this is the case here.
    Fidel, you only linked to a public service announcement released by residents of Ferguson, Missouri. I thought it was interesting.

  7. #7
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  8. #8
    Ted Sheckler
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    Hopefully Obama diverts a couple of those missles over from Syria and drops it on those kids parents all sitting in line for their welfare checks.

    Those kids will be better off getting adopted by some rich white folks.

  9. #9
    brainfreeze's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Yeah, why delete it? Didn't get to see second page they had already took it down. Fidel when ever you stand up for something expect a fight and some comments you don't like, it's part of it. Just stick to your points and convictions and don't stoop to their level of name calling and so forth.

    as for the video, disturbing, why tell this to children ? Racism isn't gone but on a major decline because of love for one another. Yea, I just don't think a shirt saying I'm over racism is doing anything but causing a stir in youth, adding to the problem. We should talk about our problems and how we can fix them. one guy said he thinks the government should pay them for when their ancestors help build the country, I don't think it's a good idea being that this generation had nothing to do with it and can't give what we don't have. We need to find out how to get the crime rate down and get people off drugs and out of streets, one way I know...God

  10. #10
    Ted Sheckler
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    I think the kids got stuck doing the video because their parents forced them too, probably gave the parents 50 bucks to use their kids for the month it took to make this PSA.

    Those kids don't want to hear about racism. 95% of black youth will be stereotyped, it's just how it is. They don't want to fix their problems with their communities, because then they'll have to face the facts on why they are all stereotyped and then realize "well shit, now we see the problem with our youth" Then they may actually feel guilty (doubtful) while screaming racism at every chance they get.

  11. #11
    My Finger Smells Like Pork
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    Probably a bunch of white people behind the production of that video.

  12. #12
    recon1's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ted Sheckler View Post
    I think the kids got stuck doing the video because their parents forced them too, probably gave the parents 50 bucks to use their kids for the month it took to make this PSA.

    Those kids don't want to hear about racism. 95% of black youth will be stereotyped, it's just how it is. They don't want to fix their problems with their communities, because then they'll have to face the facts on why they are all stereotyped and then realize "well shit, now we see the problem with our youth" Then they may actually feel guilty (doubtful) while screaming racism at every chance they get.
    The word "Racism" has so lost its power. Have a friend who is high up Administrator at a hospital and another friend who is a medical professional tell me this story.

    Medical professional was in Administrators office talking sports, secretary calls into office says we have an RN who needs to speak with you. Medical pro gets up to leave and RN walks right in and let's loose on how the floor she's on is racist etc…..etc…..etc. Administrator cuts her off mid flow says here is a piece of paper and a pen write it down. She proceeds to rat out an entire floor of nurses and Doctors with speculation and what boiled down to racism on her part because floor nurse told her she was underperforming.
    Long story short, RN got fired, and not because what she alleged was right or wrong, but because people are tired of hearing the BS. i asked if hospital cares about a potential lawsuit and the person said: "She can join in with the other 5 suits blacks have for discrimination going now.
    Point is nobody is listening or cares about the racist label, it has lost its power.

    The funny thing about the story was how the medical professional said the Admin. person was sitting at his desk eating a turkey sandwich and monitoring his computer as the RN was ranting, according to eyewitness Admin guy never even looked at her, just slid the pen and pad across his desk.

  13. #13
    My Finger Smells Like Pork
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    As I posted in the other thread, you have to be careful when playing the race card. I think I even heard one of the cute little kids in that video up above talking about it.


  14. #14
    THE_LOCKSMITH's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    i guess they remixed the original...

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kermit View Post
    Probably a bunch of white people behind the production of that video.
    No doubt. Problem is white liberals are the most racist bunch. They would rather keep redistributing wealth then help create it and pull folks out of poverty. Giving people free money doesn't help long term. It's totally short sighted. Creating wealth will create jobs and thus bring people up on the economic ladder. Giving handouts gets votes and will keep people voting that way to continue to get the free money. If you didn't earn it you will not have the same respect for it. That's a fact. Easy come easy go.....
