Originally posted on 12/23/2013:

Quick list of holidays going on or around this time of year, and it is far from extensive.

Christmas - Christian holiday which moved the date of Jesus's birth to Dec 25th.
Hanukkah / festival of lights
Yule - Pagan holiday (Another thing Christians adopted)
The astronomer’s holiday - the Winter Solstice
The Buddhist holy day of Rohatsu
Ramadan (Only sometimes does it occur during winter)
Masa’il and Sharaf - middle eastern holiday
Maunajiyara - observed by the very cool Jain religion
Gur-purab - Sikhs
Ghambar Maidyarem - celebrates primordial creations
Kwanzaa - Created by a professor at Cal St. to try and bring African-Americans a somewhat traditional African holiday.
Establishment of the celestial cow - yep
Festivus - For the rest of us, Seinfeld creation that has quickly gained popularity (I personally love it).

As we can see, the best greeting for this time of year really is “Happy Holidays.” That way, you’re pretty much covered and everyone spreads the cheer. And as for this so-called “war on Christmas:, it behooves us to remember that it in no way belittles nor degrades our own holiday to acknowledge others. When you say, “Happy Holidays!” you are saying, “we all celebrate something this time of year; may your holiday be as wonderful and joyous for you as mine is for me.”

Before you start trying to disagree with this, realize this is America - the self-proclaimed melting pot of the world. If anything is American, it's the expression of Happy Holidays as it represents this countries foundation of acceptance and tolerance.

Happy Holiday's