Originally posted on 10/25/2013:

these gms a fukkin joke..dont know bout you but i dont even bother trying to cap them..shit hard enough w/o worrying about shit like which team did the right thing with travel, which team went site seeing, which team ate some bad fish and chips, ect ect, ect..just another thing to worry bout in a already hard sport to cap..

i guess when these money grubbing whores finally just stick a team over there the way to go be simply play the home te3am in london and fade them on raod? prob work out. still doesnt change the fact this league a bunch of assholes and while shit all great and they printing money now they gonna screw around and deteriorate the product, london team and 18 gm schedules not far off, while i love fb at some point they gonna go too damn far,, even heard talks of 2 thu night gms coming soon, that just ignorant as the one bad enough...