Originally <a href='/showthread.php?p=19861954'>posted</a> on 10/09/2013:

Fukkin silencer thread my ass. The OP should shut the fukk up.

Like it is some kind of badge of honor to gamble for a living. It is more time consuming, stressful, labor intensive and reviled than any fukkin job out there. Fukkin Hanky here don't know jakk shit about it, always putting this shit high on a pedestal like it is some fukkin Lukky Charms commercial, Pot O fukkin Gold at the end of the damn rainbow. How's the pension plan Hanky? Ever had a forensic audit of your whole fukkin life Hanky. Just cause some clown can't quantify your success so he could have what he thought was his cut? Ever have someone walk with half your roll because you didn't have a legal leg to stand on nor the firepower to match his. Great for your BP and cholesterol ain't it Hanky? Think that is a long term sustainable career?

It ain't. The more successful you are at this the more fukkin trouble you got. I will gladly take my cushy job and my relatively penny ante wagers every fukkin day of the week.

I have made book, broken book and worked as a mid level exec with a nice cushy job travelling around the damn country telling folk their business. I have been through most of that shit described above. And fukk your "one guy" horse shit too. That fukk gonna learn the hard way, he ain't near good enough and don't have near the firepower he needs. Yuck it up kids.

We got about 50 or 60 smart guys in this thread and a couple of dumb fukks one step ahead of the shoeshine and two steps away from the county line.

Silencer thread.

Fukk are you an idiot.