Originally posted on 08/28/2013:

Quote Originally Posted by SamDiamond View Post
Deemer nails it.

That Pinny is a first class fukin fraud.

Are they still having that contest with MikeYanks?

Yanks is going to bury him and his buddy Smoke.
he wouldnt do one on one once he realized he couldn't play -500 tennis money lines.

smoke since noone will answer in pinnys thread ill ask u. Why did he claim some lady was his doing the accounting on his page? But when i looked up he picture it came up as some news lady from Minnesota. So i asked and pinny said thats Liz u fukkin moron. So i emailed the news station and they said someone stole her picture. Then the next day pinnys site was down and when it came back up her profile was gone?

i find it hard to believe a Stand up guy like pinny would take someone's pic off the net and say he works for the site. Especially a public person whos on tv like Elizabeth Ries.

If i go tout im going to post a pic of detective stabler from SVU and say hes my general manager.

sorry for any typos spelling errors. Im on mobile