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Bill Maher hammers Islam: ‘It’s the liberals here who don’t quite get it’ Read more:

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Default Bill Maher hammers Islam: ‘It’s the liberals here who don’t quite get it’ Read more:

HBO’s “Real Time” host Bill Maher asked female Saudi Arabian filmmaker Haifaa al Mansour about the obstacles she encountered as a female filmmaker on Friday and spoke out against the nation’s governing religion of Islam.

Maher noted that some nations in the Middle East are becoming more conservative in regards to Islam after the Arab Spring, which, in his view, isn’t necessarily a good thing.

“The problem is, the Arab Spring kind of turned into the Arab Winter,” Maher said.

“And Saudi Arabia, I mean, is the most conservative of all. As people criticize me for what I say about the Muslims. I love all people. And it’s funny because the people that come up to me privately say, ‘Bill, I’m with you about the Muslims.’ It’s the American Muslims. It’s the liberals here who don’t quite get it. We’re not criticizing people. We’re criticizing a belief system that turns people into something we wish they wouldn’t be.”

But he also observed that compared to other religions, Islam gets a pass on some of its practices.

“But, you know, Mecca is the capital of the country,” he continued. “And they routinely put people to death … the religious capital, but it’s equivalent to like the Vatican, right — with Catholicism. And, if at the Vatican, they were putting people to death for homosexuality and apostasy, and, you know, adultery — things like that, I feel that there would be a big outcry. I feel that liberals would be upset about that, and it is the center of the religion. It’s a ‘mecca.’”

Last edited by TheRifleman; 06-24-13 at 08:33 AM.


Because liberals have no principles! The only things that they are concerned with is to be against conservative ideals and principles! That's it! There is no logic, no sense! They just want to be contrary! They are awful people!

THEY are waging a cultural war against the other half of the country, I've never seen that in my life! ( fyi.....they will lose in the end, big)

-- They use racism all the time and only condemn racism when they benefit from it, or invent racism as a "political weapon."
--They are the party of "inclusion" but never the country was so divided. People hate each other, they separate people on race, social difference, religion, age. Without any moral they put people against each other, only for power.
--They speak of intolerance, but go with all the hatred against those who disagree with them. Not to mention, they love to "feel offended" to censor others opinions to manipulate the information.
--They make war against Christianity (which is the opposite of tolerant), Because they are against gay marriage, BUT they are not against Islam that kill gays!
--They have cynically invent the "war against women", pretending to be the
savior of this country, but do not condemn the brutalities that Islam

the list actually is endless....bottom-line....leftism is a cancer that must be rooted out and destroyed like all cancers should....AND IT WILL BE.
Last edited by TheRifleman; 06-24-13 at 09:04 AM.


Just a heads up, you have to be very careful these days with what you write on the internet. You don't want to say anything on here that a future employer could get a hold of. Diversity is a big thing in the workforce and in school admissions. Bill Maher is a millionaire many many times over and can say whatever he wants without consequence....notice how people who want to say certain things about Islam, "come up to me privately."


Quote Originally Posted by BuddyBear View Post
Just a heads up, you have to be very careful these days with what you write on the internet. You don't want to say anything on here that a future employer could get a hold of. Diversity is a big thing in the workforce and in school admissions. Bill Maher is a millionaire many many times over and can say whatever he wants without consequence....notice how people who want to say certain things about Islam, "come up to me privately."
I couldn't care less about being politically correct, regardless of any supposed "consequence"....lol.....bring it...I've been waiting.........Freedom is more important to me than some supposed "consequences"......

Looks like you've been brainwashed too.....

Sorry about that.


For all their differences, Islam and Communism (i.e. Marxism,
liberalism) are united in the imperative of achieving totalitarianism by
compulsion, if necessary.

Liberals WILL NOT, in any shape, form or fashion go against their allies.

For some reason, the anti-God,anti-religion Dunceacrats, find common cause with Islam. I suspect it is their shared predilection for totalitarianism. Both are fascist organizations, regardless of their alleged motivations for being so.

The more you compare the beliefs the Islamist and liberals, the more similarities you find. David Horowitz was right: it is an unholy alliance.


Below is a series of statements. Can you distinguish which of them more closely describes Islamism or liberalism? Muslim or liberal?

You decide:
You have many ideas and beliefs, and you insist that other people conform to them.
You believe that lying to obtain your objectives is completely acceptable.
You enjoy mass demonstrations, chanting, and rioting. You get a particular kick out of burning the American flag.
You have a belief system filled with contradictions,and you regard that as normal.
You hate Ronald Reagan.
You discriminate against everyone who does not believe as you do.
You think it is obligatory to be offensive toward those who disagree with you.
You believe that you have the right to take from others.
You enjoy destroying the religious symbols of others.
Your meeting places are actually enemy outposts from which you plan the overthrow of the free world.
You believe you should be able to have sex with anyone you can physically subdue.
You absolutely do not believe in freedom of speech.
You believe that violence is integral to the pursuit of your worthy goals.
You view freedom as an unacceptable proposition.
Your prophets have long been shown to be false.
You believe in using government police or military force to impose your beliefs on others.
You hate all religions except your own.
You believe that pedophilia is proper and moral.
You believe that morality is defined by the rules of the cult you follow.
You often engage in mob violence.
You think that books and publications you don't approve of should not be available to others. You believe that freedom of the press is a terrible idea.
You hate Christianity and Judaism.
You engage in blasphemy on a daily basis.
Your ultimate goal is that everyone else in the world submit to what you believe.
You believe that bullying is an acceptable tactic.
You do not believe in religious freedom.
You are a racist.
You believe that women are sex objects.
You believe that men are sex objects.
You believe that incest is relative.
You abuse Western ideals of religious freedom and tolerance and use them as wedge opportunities to overthrow the society you live in.
You have your own set of laws.
You believe that the enemy of your enemy is your friend.
You believe that Christianity must be destroyed at all costs.
You believe that America is the Great Satan.
You believe that people who don't believe as you do should be killed or subjugated.
You believe that the USA has too much power and must be brought down.
You do not recognize the divinity of Jesus Christ.
You do not believe in the Founding Fathers, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, freedom and liberty, or anything American.
You believe that the ends justifies the means.
You believe that you must win at any cost.

Anyone? Is there any difference between the two???

I don't see any.
Last edited by TheRifleman; 06-24-13 at 04:00 PM.


Quote Originally Posted by TheRifleman View Post
I couldn't care less about being politically correct, regardless of any supposed "consequence"....lol.....bring it...I've been waiting.........Freedom is more important to me than some supposed "consequences"......

Looks like you've been brainwashed too.....

Sorry about that.
Oh cool. Congrats. So why don't you post your real name like Bill Maher then? Or direct us to where we can see your published writings/opinions on the issues?


Quote Originally Posted by TheRifleman View Post
Why don't you go suc a big cocck, liberal.
So, Rifle-- you are advising a man to suck a cawk? And not just any rooster, but you want him to suck a "Big" one.

For someone so anti-gay, you sure are pre-occupied with men touching/sucking other men's cawks.

But hey-- you say you're straight.....


Quote Originally Posted by BuddyBear View Post
Just a heads up, you have to be very careful these days with what you write on the internet. You don't want to say anything on here that a future employer could get a hold of. Diversity is a big thing in the workforce and in school admissions. Bill Maher is a millionaire many many times over and can say whatever he wants without consequence....notice how people who want to say certain things about Islam, "come up to me privately."
future employer????

dude, TheRifleman doesn't have a current employer, and he DEFINITELY won't have a future employer

he lives off of some kind of pension/inheritance/social security

he has zero principles, and has proved time and time again that he won't back up anything he says with anything of substance

NEVER puts his money where his mouth is, because of course, he knows if he did, he'd just lose his money, like a classic Limbaugh-era right-winger

zero principles, zero integrity, zero common sense, zero intellectual honesty, zero personal responsibility, zero courage, 100% hypocrisy, 100% inconsistency

this has been shown time and time again in study after study, and TheRifleman himself has personally demonstrated it repeatedly on here in his posts

classic loser, the guy just regrets that he wasn't born into a time when people like him could really flourish, like Nazi Germany or the Spanish Inquisition, or any of the other times and places like that


Quote Originally Posted by TheRifleman View Post
Below is a series of statements. Can you distinguish which of them more closely describes Islamism or liberalism? Muslim or liberal?

You decide:
You have many ideas and beliefs, and you insist that other people conform to them.
You believe that lying to obtain your objectives is completely acceptable.
You enjoy mass demonstrations, chanting, and rioting.
You get a particular kick out of burning the American flag.
You have a belief system filled with contradictions,and you regard that as normal.
You hate Ronald Reagan.
You discriminate against everyone who does not believe as you do.
You think it is obligatory to be offensive toward those who disagree with you.
You believe that you have the right to take from others.
You enjoy destroying the religious symbols of others.
Your meeting places are actually enemy outposts from which you plan the overthrow of the free world.

You believe you should be able to have sex with anyone you can physically subdue.
You absolutely do not believe in freedom of speech.
You believe that violence is integral to the pursuit of your worthy goals.

You view freedom as an unacceptable proposition.
Your prophets have long been shown to be false.
You believe in using government police or military force to impose your beliefs on others.
You hate all religions except your own.

You believe that pedophilia is proper and moral.
You believe that morality is defined by the rules of the cult you follow.
You often engage in mob violence.
You think that books and publications you don't approve of should not be available to others. You believe that freedom of the press is a terrible idea.

You hate Christianity and Judaism.
You engage in blasphemy on a daily basis.
Your ultimate goal is that everyone else in the world submit to what you believe.
You believe that bullying is an acceptable tactic.

You do not believe in religious freedom.
You are a racist.
You believe that women are sex objects.
You believe that men are sex objects.
You believe that incest is relative.
You abuse Western ideals of religious freedom and tolerance and use them as wedge opportunities to overthrow the society you live in.

You have your own set of laws.
You believe that the enemy of your enemy is your friend.

You believe that Christianity must be destroyed at all costs.
You believe that America is the Great Satan.
You believe that people who don't believe as you do should be killed or subjugated.
You believe that the USA has too much power and must be brought down.
You do not recognize the divinity of Jesus Christ.
You do not believe in the Founding Fathers, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, freedom and liberty, or anything American.
You believe that the ends justifies the means.
You believe that you must win at any cost.

Anyone? Is there any difference between the two???

I don't see any.

WOW, you just described yourself and the current republican party. The similarities between Islamic terrorists and republican christian terrorists are almost identical.

You believe that pedophilia is proper and moral. That would be the catholic church and christian religious leaders who feel that way.
You hate Christianity and Judaism. Both are scientifically proven to be fake. All religions are fake.
You engage in blasphemy on a daily basis. No such thing as blasphemy. Science has proven that there is no such thing as blasphemy.
You do not believe in religious freedom. You want to suppress Islam, no? You f'ucking hypocrite.

Christian and Jew Republican terrorists and Islamic terrorists are both cancers and must be eliminated. Both are enemies to all of mankind. Both are responsible for everything that is wrong with the world. The downfall of all mankind will not be a massive outbreak. It will be religion. No man made invention has caused more harm to the evolution of man than religion.

Buddha, Krishna, Muhammad, and Jesus and all the other "2866" deities are all fake and every country on the planet uses some kind of mythology to govern their country. All you idiots believe your god is real and everyone else's fake.

I wish i could take a time machine and shoot who ever invented religion. F'uck taking a time machine to kill Hitler. I would kill the man who started all this mess. I wish scientists would just speak up and end this. But, even if they did, religious people run the media and will label them crazy.

Leftists dream of living in a world where there are no losers, everyone gets a trophy, and want the government to be a mommy to its citizens. They want an utopian, egalitarian, socialist, communist country.

Sounds great and all, but not as fun as it sounds, when you dig deeper. I don't want to be a slave to Christian republican terrorists or Islamic terrorists. I don't want to be a slave to communist kings or rulers either. I am a man without a country.

Open-minded, fair-minded, rational-thinking, critical-thinking, evidence-based intellectuals are labeled dangers to society by Christians and Islamist's. When in actuality... they are the ones who are dangers to society. There's a reason why religious people and governments suppress education and want to control it.

Listen to them when they talk about education. They fear an open-minded, fair-minded, rational-thinking, critical-thinking, evidence-based society and they will do whatever it takes to stop science from becoming the norm.

Islam and Christianity hate the education system, the media, publications, and the entertainment industry for the exact same reasons. They believe it's suppressing their religious slave chimp agenda. Obedient-slave-bowing-kneeling idiot-chimp workers is what they want. Educated chimps are impossible to control. That is the enemy of religious leaders and governments.

People have the ability to educate themselves online at anytime they feel like it and i hope it happens on a massive scale. You can't read and have no education so i know I'm talking to a rock. I expect name calling or laughter. I know I'm 100 percent right on this. It's amazing the things you can learn when you know how to read and find your critical spirit.
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