Originally posted on 09/28/2012:

Quote Originally Posted by baskets View Post
more fake emotion from an online board..... everybody lining up to put flowers in some poster's coffin

prolly just as real as the whole griz and PWAD fake fiasco...... meanwhile every clown in here is sending condolences to somebody they don't even know

Grits, you still smell like shit. It's nature, my friend

I've gotten to know Money over the past year playing poker right here on SBR. Enough to know that I can and WILL call him a friend. A friendship doesn't require you to physically see the person in front of you, or spend time hanging out with a person. A friendship can begin from something as simple as a hello even from 1,000 miles away. From the way you act it appears you don't have much experience with the way friendships work so I wouldn't expect you to reply any differently.

Just because we're behind a computer doesn't mean we can't show true emotions or call someone their friend. The world would be alot better off without people like you thinking the way you do. This thread isn't about who has what play for the night, or who's cashing tickets. It's a thread about a good guy who's heart is broken and needs all the support he can get. You may not care but the rest of us do.

One day you might need support from someone you've never met. Don't burn the bridge before you cross it.