Originally posted on 09/25/2012:

Quote Originally Posted by ApricotSinner32 View Post
Wake up sheep if you haven't known sports are corrupt by now your brain is chucked.
No shit Sherlock.
Late to the party I see, anybody with a half a brain knows that sports are corrupt.
When the NFL was founded, the founding fathers bet among themselves.
Baseball games have been fixed for over a hundred years, Black Sox scandal anybody? Isolated incident? Yeah, keep telling yourself that.
Basketball? Don't make me laugh.
Soccer? South American players have been murdered over fixed games.
Hockey? I grew up with a guy who was the goal tender for the Hershey Bears, Flyers minor league team. I'm told first hand how NHL is rigged.
Horse racing? Please.
Tennis? Players take dives all the time.

Why stop at sports.
Elections are rigged world wide.
Stock Market is rigged.
Bidding on contracts in the business world are often rigged.
Job hiring is rigged, the best candidate doesn't always get the job.

Each and ever game is not rigged, but a lot are.
I know this going in.
I almost always ask myself "I hope I am on the right side of the fix here" before sending in my wager.
Why do I do it? It's entertainment, and it's just discretionary income, if you think you can make a living off of gambling, think again.

I've worked for bookies, I know things because they know things and I learned from them.

Moe, the bartender from the Simpsons once said, "if it moves, you can bet on it"
And if there is too much money on the side of the bet guess who wins? 3 out 4 times it is not Joe the Square working stiff.