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Time for Hardball Politics : Why Obama Why ?

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Quote Originally Posted by Sam Odom View Post
I'm backing the only one my conscience will allow - This is not a sporting event

Me too, like Obama I care about the entire US population. Both of us don't place 47% of the citizens in the garbage.


More shameless Zionist propaganda aimed at morons. Israel is a parasite, and has been our biggest enemy, even before they were "founded" when the Balfour declaration got our young men slaughtered in WW1 for nothing except their "homeland" when they were offered Uganda. They have been a purveyor of terrorism, secret assassinations, and false flag operations ever since. Never forget, the Irgun were "terrorists" before the term even was popular. Monachem Begin was a constant face on Great Britain's most wanted terrorists all through the 40's. It's a shame James Forrestals warnings were never heeded, before the dark forces destroyed him.

Those who are loyal to Israel over the United States are treasonous. Once we get rid of the traitors in our government who are Israel loyalists, we can begin the long process to return our republic to it's constitutional roots.

God bless the 33 US serviceman who lost their lives aboard the USS Liberty, at the hands of Israeli fighter jets and torpedos, who at that time were trying to sink a vulnerable US ship and blame it on Egypt. Admiral McCain (John McCains father) shamelessly covered up the blatant attack on orders from above, and the Zionist owned press made sure it was kept off the front pages. Those brave serviceman, ALL who know the attack was intentional, have had to live with the insulting lie that the Zionists tried to sell to a naive public, and a complicit government and press.

Netanyahu, a completely repugnant liar, has been saying Iran is on the verge of a nuclear weapon since 1992. Wake up people, their Iran propaganda is not even creative anymore.

Last edited by indio; 09-20-12 at 09:06 PM.


Quote Originally Posted by Sam Odom View Post
So much for for that CHANGE & Hope
I recall President Obama stating words to the effect that ALL Americans needed to do their part. Have you heard of the Supreme Courts decision that corporations are people? So, what have we the people done besides blame the president? Post on internet forums that everything is one partys fault or the other? Yes, I thought so.
Until we Americans stop expecting someone else to sacrifice and to do our work for us nothing is going to change.
People that believe that the President is at fault instead placing the blame where it belongs are fukking tools.