Originally posted on 07/11/2012:

I was once diagnosed with bipolar disorder type 2. Then I got my diet in check, started exercising, took Vitamin D3, and suddenly, all the symptoms disappeared. Deficiencies in the body commonly lead to depression and other mental "illnesses".

Copied from another site:

One of the first studies looking at the link between food allergy and mental health was conducted in Germany. In this double-blind placebo-controlled trial, thirty patients suffering from confusion, poor concentration, depression and anxiety were given either their allergenic or their non-allergenic foods, in such small quantities that they didn't know they were eating them. The study showed that the food allergens alone provoked severe depression, nervousness, feelings of anger, loss of motivation, and severe mental blankness. Not surprisingly, the foods that caused most severe mental reactions were the common food allergens milk, wheat, cane sugar and eggs.
This type of study reinforces the fact that when problem foods are identified and eliminated, many of the symptoms and conditions disappear or diminish.Another controlled trial looked at food allergies and sensitivity to naturally occurring salicylates in 96 patients diagnosed as suffering from alcohol dependency, major depressive disorders, or schizophrenia. The mental health patients were compared to 62 control subjects selected from adult hospital staff members. This study showed that patients with diagnosed depression had the most allergies:
  • 80 percent were allergic to barley.
  • All were allergic to egg white.
  • Over half the alcoholics tested were found to be allergic to egg white, milk, rye, and barley.
  • 80 percent of schizophrenics were found to be allergic to both milk and eggs.
  • Only 9 percent of the control group were found to suffer from any allergies.