Originally posted on 07/11/2012:

poor brock, he bets a game, loses money and then has people laugh at his face. that's like being kicked in the face while you're down on the ground. it's tough to give out picks. you can win 8 in a row and you'll get about 5 guys after each win tell you nice win, or good job. but god forbid, when you lose your 1st game, you'll get 53 guys come out of woodwork and mock you and put you down and call you a loser.

People get kicks out of bashing posters when they lose a game, i don't know why. i swear to god, in 2001 or 2002, at RX, i was giving out 2nd half bets in NBA for 1 month. i was on the run of my life.. i swear i was like 72-29. i can sense people were getting angry cause i was winning. about 7 total ppl were on my side telling me, good call, you da man, etc.. then i went on a bad run and went like 2-9 in my next 11. you should have seen it.. about 86 guys came out of woodwork to bash the hell outta me. Guys i never saw when i was winning. I didn't even know them. loser, you suck, you can't pick a game, you should retire. i hope you go bankrupt, i hope you die, F-aggot. i guess people don't like to see posters win. Meanwhile, i was still hitting 66% over 100+ games.

Giving out picks is NO WIN situation. win or lose, you'll still be a loser in their eyes.. Posters don't want to see other posters win. it's human nature...

that's why i retired from giving picks.