1. #1
    ucbearcats1027's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Insurance settlement

    Just looking for some opinions here. Last week I was rear ended at a stop light causing 1700 damage to my car. I felt fine then 3 days later back and neck pain started went to doc got pills etc told should get better with time and also to chiropractor tomorrow. The insurance agent wants to meet me Thursday she's driving 2 hours to talk and she said if I was ready to discuss a settlement. I missed 2 days of work and one side paint job for 150 dollars. They already paid for my car to get fixed and gave me rental. What should I ask for for a settlemt. Medical bills are only about 150 maybe 215 after chiroporactor . I'm not trying to be greedy just never had this happen so I dunno what to even ask for etc.

  2. #2
    Coachep's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Not to sound like an ambulance chaser but these injuries could continue to manifest in various ways for years. Medical costs could eventually add up to thousands. The insurance company knows this. If you settle now you forfeit the ability to pursue damages later, that's why she is in a hurry to get you to sign. I would not settle now for less than 10k. If they really want to end your ability to sue in the future they will attempt to haggle you down, but eventually agree.
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  3. #3
    greenhippo's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    $1,000. That amount more than covers your expenses and a grand is nothing for an auto insurance agent to pay out.

  4. #4
    ucbearcats1027's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Thanks for the advice

  5. #5
    Sea Pines
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    Quote Originally Posted by Coachep View Post
    Not to sound like an ambulance chaser but these injuries could continue to manifest in various ways for years. Medical costs could eventually add up to thousands. The insurance company knows this. If you settle now you forfeit the ability to pursue damages later, that's why she is in a hurry to get you to sign. I would not settle now for less than 10k. If they really want to end your ability to sue in the future they will attempt to haggle you down, but eventually agree.
    Good advice here

  6. #6
    horseface2721's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    you'd be silly to settle for a nominal amount. the statute of limitations on this claim (if you were hit last week) doesn't run for a long time depending on where you live.

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    stikymess's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    You should wait and see what the chiropractor says, they see these all the time and can gauge a treatment period, then and only then should you talk settlement once all treatment is done. I would cancel her visit or base it on what chiro says. Usually they will try and low ball you there in the business of saving the company money. Years ago "pain and suffering" would be 3 times damage amount, but with the current economy I wouldn't have a clue. Best of luck.
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    Foosball Champ
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    You should get a referral from the chiro for an mri of the cervical. Then get a referral to a pain management doctor and hopefully get injections. Then find out what the policy limits and shoot for that. You'll have six figures by the beggining of football.

  9. #9
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    Get a lawyer. She is rushing to see you B4 you get one.

    I was silly enough to settle for 3k after being rear ended. They paid for my medical bills, and car repairs. After all of that I got a call w/ an offer for a 3K settlement.I said sure, which was followed by them hanging up the phone.

    Ask for a 5 figure settlement, then negotiate. The money is nothing to them, they are just praying that a result of the wreck is not a parapaligic. Then they are on the hook for 7 figures.

  10. #10
    The Kraken
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    You have hit the lottery here pal. Everyone I've ever known that got rear-ended and ended up with neck pain settled for between 75k-100k. Insurance companies have billions guy, just a drop in the bucket to them.

    My brother was rear-ended a year a half ago, met with the insurance agent to settle and ended up leaving with an 81k dollar check, THAT DAY. Insurance agent didn't even give a fukk, just cut the check.

  11. #11
    Tailing Wilson
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    my gf got whacked head on by another driver a few years ago...she broke her wrist, sprained ankle, cuts and scrapes....and she walked away with 20-something thousand.

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    AribaAriba's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    full of clutter idiotic threads in some sbr's but some are actually helpful in the outside world there.

  13. #13
    Gee's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Go see a lawyer.

    Most lawyers (particularly personal injuries) won't charge you for the first hour, which is all you should need to make a decision about where you stand. They will then get paid out of the settlement, so you are never out of pocket.

    Do not accept the offer without legal advice.

    Just make sure they don't drag out your claim to increase costs.

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    The Kraken
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    ucbearcats1027's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Met with chiro today said need 6 treatments costing 1500 to 2000 in medical for them all together. Meeting insurance agent tomorrow. Chiro told me to ask for 9 k or 8 k to start out and not to take less then 6. This is for medical and pain only not involved with them fixing my car as well.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ucbearcats1027 View Post
    Met with chiro today said need 6 treatments costing 1500 to 2000 in medical for them all together. Meeting insurance agent tomorrow. Chiro told me to ask for 9 k or 8 k to start out and not to take less then 6. This is for medical and pain only not involved with them fixing my car as well.

    You are in a haste. Milk this for a good year. Get massages and adjustments.

  17. #17
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    A golden rule of accidents is to go to the er at the time of incident wither via ambulance or go to the er the next day.

  18. #18
    ucbearcats1027's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Just met with her. First offer, She tried to low ball me lol. Her offer was 3500 medical for medical bills only and 1200 for me. I'm going to send her a counter offer later today . What you guys think I should counter with? I don't like how the medical bills are split up. I want one lump sum not split up as well
