Quote Originally Posted by FourLengthsClear View Post

The only thing I would say is that regardless of what you think about the message/views of the "retarded" OWS people (and the same can be said for the Tea Party) is that at least they have cottoned-on to the truth that the political system is broken.
Tea party is retarded. Occupy Wall Street is retarded. They are segregated into groups - Tea Party vs. Occupy Wall Street because it's easier for people to understand. Once they are grouped they have become manageable tools for whatever story that needs to be told. They are actors in a game and nothing more. It's all propaganda and it's all being manipulated. There is no such thing political struggle whatsoever.

OWS may have identified that the game is rigged but they still believe they can change things (they cannot). They are fighting an amorphous blob that adapts to whatever conditions currently exist. The only good idea OWS had was to challenge the concept of a corporate entity legally but it was doomed from the start. Like one black guy walking into a KKK meeting trying to put a stop to racism. The justice system has been bought and paid for. And even if the it were to succeed capital is so liquid it would just move overseas along with whoever owns it. The sheer force of their wealth means they are prepared for every eventuality. You either have to align yourself with their interests or you put a gun to their head and pull the trigger. There is no middle ground.

So things will continue as usual with the proletariat occasionally paying up when things go "wrong" because it's a tailored time palatable enough to withdraw from the ATM without much upheaval.