Quote Originally Posted by topgame85 View Post
I see your point as that is my exact reason for at least understanding the agnostic approach. It is in itself reasonable by human nature where there is not the knowledge or understanding of all things that God posseses. To me self belief is all that matters for me in the end though. Why question something and sit the fence as an agnostic when I have a spiritual connection and personal relationship with my higher being that I can not deny myself? I don't need to hang out with my higher being face to face, take pictures and show all my friends to reaffirm what I know for myself to be true. even if it were only true to me (which of course is not because millions no what I am speaking about.)
Topper u make some good points but sitting on the fence at least doesnt harm innocent husbands, wives and children in the name of something that no one can prove exists...

Im all for personal beliefs but when those beliefs begin to harm others then thats when i have a BIG problem...And who the fukk are you trying to ostracize me for 'sitting on the fence' (such a common christian trait to belittle and install fear into non-believers whether it be directly or indirectly)?? Tell me when the last time was when i belittled you for ur beliefs??? Topper, its ok to not know, its not a bad thing (even if other uninformed ppl tell u it is)...

Careful topper and think about what u say next...We all arent blinded by the fear of that for which we do not know topper...I know ur smarter than this yet you choose the path you have chosen...Then again u r indoctrinated into this mentality culturally speaking so to resonate with a different belief system would mean facing the ostracization of ur peers at a minimum and a 'loss of faith' at worst...

Go speak to some War vets who have killed in "Gods name" and ask them what they think about their god...Im spoken to a few posters here who b4 service were devout christians but after coming back home have become anything but....

Illini stop setting this kid up, he clearly isnt as intelligent as he makes out if he has to personalise others belief systems in a negative context just to get his point across...

Topper, lift your game pal, ur better than this 'time and time again' form of vitriol....