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Daimo and MichaelWaters are the same poster...

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Default Daimo and MichaelWaters are the same poster...

Neither post at the same time, both use an uncanny amount of emoticons. Neither use upper case letters usually. Both post the same bullshit constantly. Both do nothing at all but cause problems and attack other posters. Both are the only two posters on the forum who use Donuts to attack poster Deuce. Switch it up, kid, or you won't last long.



A dumb guy from detroit.. very typical..

From your 18k posts what have you contributed in the forum?

All you do is bitch about how sbr should do this and do that.. Bitch about how sbr manages this forum and shit..

Feeling bad sbr haven't offered you a job and you constantly attack them? You just don't get it do you.. You're not qualified you fat retard..


Quote Originally Posted by daimoshokage View Post

A dumb guy from detroit.. very typical..

From your 18k posts what have you contributed in the forum?

All you do is bitch about how sbr should do this and do that.. Bitch about how sbr manages this forum and shit..

Feeling bad sbr haven't offered you a job and you constantly attack them? You just don't get it do you.. You're not qualified you fat retard..


Quote Originally Posted by daimoshokage View Post
A dumb guy from detroit.. very typical.. From your 18k posts what have you contributed in the forum? All you do is bitch about how sbr should do this and do that.. Bitch about how sbr manages this forum and shit.. Feeling bad sbr haven't offered you a job and you constantly attack them? You just don't get it do you.. You're not qualified you fat retard..

Case confirmed. Michael was just over in my thread claiming he brought so much to the table. Posting at 4am? Michael just happens to be as well. Thanks for being the dumb fukk you are and outing yourself. I guess this retard from Detroit just pulled a fast one on you.


Quote Originally Posted by Deuce View Post

Case confirmed. Michael was just over in my thread claiming he brought so much to the table. Posting at 4am? Michael just happens to be as well. Thanks for being the dumb fukk you are and outing yourself. I guess this retard from Detroit just pulled a fast one on you.
Thanks for pointing this out fat fukk.. now eat your donuts..


Quote Originally Posted by daimoshokage View Post

A dumb guy from detroit.. very typical..

From your 18k posts what have you contributed in the forum?

All you do is bitch about how sbr should do this and do that.. Bitch about how sbr manages this forum and shit..

Feeling bad sbr haven't offered you a job and you constantly attack them? You just don't get it do you.. You're not qualified you fat retard..

wow, gay boy daimo dropped the idiot cover from his post in this one..yea probably is Bateman the twitch queen but who cares