Our government is the still the best in the world because we give people the freedom to pursue their own ambitions, Although the hand outs are starting to get fast and furious coming out of DC cause that is the only way certain folks can win elections.

The only thing I want stopped immediately is the Billions we give to keep the UN running while they turn around and steal the money intended for poor countries, rape the women during their 'peace-keeping' missions, populate human rights councils with countries like China and Libya and just generally promote an anti-America agenda. Fukk the UN, worthless pieces of shit.

But as to your question, if you didn't notice the mid terms us hard working Americans have reached our tipping point on social spending and entitlement programs that do little but keep the slaves on the plantation where the boss wants them. No one ever said come here and get rich, but you can come here and have a damn better life than in any other country on this planet. Name another country people literally are dying to get into. Fukkin floating match books from Cuba or Haiti or hiking through deserts in Arizona.

Worked with a guy from Ghana. Had a full time job, 2 part time jobs and was going to school to get an engineering degree. The only function of the government in this great country of ours is provide a land where opportunities wait for those that want them. To an extent, any American can wake up in the morning, decide how much money he or she wants to earn per year and make a plan to get that shit. No one is denied education in this country. No one is denied training if they want it. We don't prevent our women or any other citizens from learning to read and write.

There ain't shit holding any single person in this country back, except for the government with bullshit taxes and regulations.

As for foreign aid, it has to continue and it will continue.

"The government that governs least, governs best."