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I love working out! Eat whatever and not get fat.

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Money Clip I love working out! Eat whatever and not get fat.

When you work out (specifically lifting weights/strength training), you gain more muscle and in turn increase your metabolism, thus raising your maintenance (# of calories/day to consume to maintain current weight).

So, a sedentary/inactive person might have a maintenance of 1500 calories or so. If you do some heavy strength training and raise metabolism, your maintenance can skyrocket to 2000-3000 or even more. Think of how much you can eat without getting fat! You can eat loads of junk food and fast food and still lose weight too, if you count your calories correctly and eat below your maintenance.

No longer am I that guy that has to hesitate to order a big burger combo and take that Diet Coke over the regular. I don't need that "I Can't Believe It's Not Butter" for my toast. None of that Splenda stuff in my coffee. Will I order the chicken or steak tonight? I'll take both!

Feels great.



Quote Originally Posted by Boner_18 View Post
I have trouble finding the time when I am working. After 60/hrs a week of work I really only have sunday... Maybe I can go early in the morning...
First thing in the morning is the best time for men
Testesterone is at the highest when you wake up, and slowly declines all day.