1. #1
    C-Gold's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Biggest scam ever: Global warming

    So I went online to book plane tickets to London today... PS. Don't you love when JJ Gold tells London posters he's going to fly over to London and get "coke-ed up". London is synonomous with Cocaine for JJ Gold.

    Anyways I book my ticket and they ask if I want cancellation/insurance for 40 bucks (NO) and they ask me if I want to reduce or off set my carbon foot print for a $27 dollar fee. Who the hell would ever do that???? That's called a stupidity tax.

    So there it is. You are BAD. You breathe air. You drive a car. You fly a plane. You eat animals. You throw away garbage. You use plastic bags. You are BAD for mother earth. Bad you. The earth would be better off without you breathing, using gas, eating animals and throwing things away. You are bad but if you give us a FEE then you'll be OK.

    Sounds like the church 500 years ago selling indulgences. You are bad, give us money and you are ok. Please tell me people aren't that stupid to give these companies 27 bucks to "reduce your carbon footprint". If you really want to reduce your carbon footprint to 0 then kill yourself and don't have a funeral. Some people buy into this green = cool shit way too much and take this shit way too literally. Pay 27 bucks for being a fool. I almost shit my pants when I saw that option when purchasing my ticket. People in London must be pretty coke-ed up to give 27 bucks away to the global warming sooth sayers. Do these people watch the news? Did they not see the forging documents/omiting evidence, bad statistics and disregarding the scientific method?

  2. #2
    ByeShea's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Shit. Please tell me what airline. I want to email them to request they cease operations in order to significantly reduce their carbon footprint. And if they agree to that, I will do my part and kill myself. We'll really be making strides.

  3. #3
    wtf's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    first time i heard of this SCAM

    would love to know the take up rate, bet some corporations endorse their employees to do this

    while the CEO is taking his private jet to cancun to his 50,000 square foot house to bang the locals

  4. #4
    C-Gold's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    British Airways.

    Thank you for booking your $550 dollar ticket
    Do you want trip protection for $40? NO, I'm going, I'm going.
    Do you want to off set your carbon footprint for $27 to reduce global warming? HUH???? LMAO

    Just wait until the Liberals and their corporate buddies try and impose those global warming fees/taxes upon us without choices. It's funny enough that some silly liberals would fork over an extra 27 bucks to the corporation, wait until you don't even have that choice. My flight alone was a joke. 2/3rds of the price was taxes/fees. The actual flight portion was 1/3rd of the price I paid. Thanks greedy governments, I guess you're really looking out for the little guy. Maybe you should send more foreign aid to the muslim world
