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Wallco NHL GOLD (+453 units in 6 years)

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2011-12 System to date: 16-2 (fin. series)
System profit/loss: -13.56 units(finished series)
Current open series: 2 (-11.51 units)

v1 Plays
(A) 7-6
(B) 4-2
(C) 0-1
Losses: Ottawa (-10.96 u)

v2 Plays
(A) 4-3
(B) 1-2
(C) 0-1
Losses: Montreal (-18.60 u)

Games for (11/3/11):
#17 Edmonton @ L.A. Kings (M/L) (C) (10:35 pm EDT)
#18 Calgary @ Detroit (M/L) v2 (C) (7:35 pm EDT)
#21 New Jersey (+1½) @ Philadelphia v2 (A) (7:05 pm EDT)
#22 Nashville (+1½) @ Phoenix (A) (10:05 pm EDT)

** Do not place any wagers on teams unless you are sure your team is the dog or favorite. You may be overpaying for a loss if you play the P/L and should have been on the M/L, or lose a game that you would have won had you been on the (+1½) instead of the M/L. We will always play the M/L on favorites and (-110) games, and always play the (+1½) if the team we are betting on is a dog. ALL results will be based on this principle. If it is a close line game, you may want to wait til closer to game time to place your wager so you know whether or not we are on the (+1½) or the (M/L). All lines and standings are based on FINAL lines from ScoresandOdds.com/. If one of the teams we are playing switches from a favorite to a dog, or vice versa, after my initial post, make sure you get the appropriate line if it differs from what I have posted. The wins and losses will be based on who is the dog team on ScoresandOdds.com/ final lines.
System rules & backtest can be found in posts #1 and #2.
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Points Awarded:

GGPLAYER gave Wallco99 5 SBR Point(s) for this post.



Just for fun, look what JM sent me:

I'm sure you must dying for the NBA lockout to end so that we can
finally begin cashing in on basketball this season! I can assure to
you that as long as you strictly follow my NBA system, you're going
to literally win each and every single betting series coming your way!

But how can we cash in when there's no NBA games being played!?

No worries James, I have in store for you a
mouth-watering surprise that's been a decade in the making! Since
the turn of the millennium I have relentlessly been researching,
developing, fine-tuning, and perfecting a fool-proof NHL hockey
betting system that can compete and outperform even the best of the
best systems I've ever developed!

At last, I'm proud as ever to announce to you that I've finally
emerged with one extraordinary winning formula that's promised to
springboard you to a whole new level of NHL betting stardom!

It's the one dirty little discovery that has led me to uncover an
unbeatable method to win on hockey bets! The system still goes by
the method of a 3-game series, and has generated 98%+ win rate over
the last 20 years of NHL hockey betting. I've back-tested the
system over decades and every time the results have continued to
fascinate me again and again! As a matter of fact, under my brand
new NHL betting system, we would have dominated most of the NHL
seasons without ever suffering any kind of losses!

Did I get your attention yet James!? Okay, let me take
it one step further: Over the last 20 years of hockey, my system
has never lost more than 1 time in any season of NHL!

This mind-blowing new discovery could not have come at a better
time, because the new 2011-12 NHL season has just begun this week!

The hair on the back of your head are soon going to rise on their
own once you discover the startling details of my brand new
NHL betting system and realize the incredibly ingenuity of my
betting technique that has made NHL betting massively profitable
every single season over the last 20 years! Again, during no NHL
season has the system ever produced more than 1 loss, and most of
the time you're going to go through the entirety of the season
without suffering a single one!

The new NHL season is starting NOW, and this is truly the
perfect time for you to snatch my top-secret NHL betting system
right out of my hands and create a whirlwind of head-spinning
hockey betting profits for the entirety of your betting lifetime!

======================================== ============================
To get your hands dirty on my brand new "Never More than 1 Loss in
20 Years NHL Hockey Betting System" that has never suffered more
than 1 loss in any season of hockey in the last 20 years of NHL, go to:


Note: There are 2 NHL system bets to make TOMORROW! Make your order now,
and both of tomorrow's NHL system picks that have never lost more than
1 time in a season in the last 20 years will instantly be displayed to you
so that you can make your wager and cash in by the end of the day!
======================================== ============================

You will be able to recoup your investment in my system, plus
profit some, on your very first NHL bet!

This is your only chance to grab a hold of my brand new NHL betting


The hair on the back of your head are soon going to rise on their
own once you discover the startling details of my brand new
NHL betting system and realize the incredibly ingenuity of my
betting technique that has made NHL betting massively profitable
every single season over the last 20 years! Again, during no NHL
season has the system ever produced more than 1 loss, and most of
the time you're going to go through the entirety of the season
without suffering a single one!

The new NHL season is starting NOW, and this is truly the
perfect time for you to snatch my top-secret NHL betting system
right out of my hands and create a whirlwind of head-spinning
hockey betting profits for the entirety of your betting lifetime!

======================================== ============================

This guy is the ultimate clown


I sent JM an email maybe one week ago asking his permission if I could sell his NHL System and use all of the PDF files that came with it. I told him since he gave me a life memership and was no longer using it I had hoped to bring it back to life.

--#1 I was giving him a dose of his BS back to him
--#2 Strange enough he sent me plays for tonight which is actually different that the emails you have above
--#3 He is a scam as always

Maybe I woke him up and realized there was some new blood out there!?


See He likes me
Its only been 3 years since I got an NHL email from him until this morning---

As a customer of my NHL system, I want to send you a reminder of
our upcoming NHL betting series:

The NHL System picks for November 3rd, 2011 are:

Edmonton Oilers [A] bet
Calgary Flames [A] bet

This means that you would make the [A] wager for the team on the
left on the date that the game is played. Remember to bet on the
+1.5 Puck Line if it is offered, and bet on the Money Line if
the Puck Line shows up as -1.5.

If your [A] bet happens to lose on the first day, then you would
make a [B] bet for the same team again on their next game when they
play, and a [C] bet on their last play if necessary.

Note that if you bet on the +1.5 Puck Line, then you will win
your bet even if your team loses by 1!

One more thing to keep in mind is that sometimes you may not
immediately see the game or the Puck Line available for betting on
the betting site. If that's the case, just wait and check back later.
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Points Awarded:

bisturis gave bauerranch 1 SBR Point(s) for this post.



It seems that the original JM system beats Wallco's NHL Gold. No offense, just an observation. Edmonton and Calgary were A bets for JM, LAK and DET were C bets for Wallco...well, you see the results. I am terribly sorry to say, but this system seems to be having a losing season.