originally posted on 06/04/2013:

Quote Originally Posted by harvesters View Post
This is exactly why one of the other books should have picked up the balances. The long term damage to the industry as a whole far outweighs the 1.5 mil other books should have absorbed.h

I would argue 100% the exact opposite.

There are a few companies people consider rock solid in the business and a hundred that people think are shady or already folded. Situations like BetIslands actually HELP places like 5 dimes and pinnacle because its a warning to the bonus chasers and the soft line sharps that you may win the bets but you may get stiffed. If 5dimes and the other strong shops bail out the fly by night offshores that go bust it encourages the bettors to continue depositing at these shady sites to get the bonuses and soft lines. The bettors can rationalize "if this half a** joint goes down a bailout will come anyway from the big boys".

The truth is a situation like BI gets the big shops an increase of clientele not a decrease. Because many people realize the risk of chasing weak lines and 110% bonuses and they say screw that I just want my money safe. Then they call Bookmaker 5dimes etc etc and deposit there.

That being said I feel really bad for you Bubba this is a devastating situation. You clearly didnt deserve to lose life changing money.