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This has gone on long enough. Here is your chance Ed gather your people

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Default This has gone on long enough. Here is your chance Ed gather your people

Here it is. I’ll close my account tomorrow if that’s what you guys want and you don’t think my picks offer value or help. I’m sick of having to post games and dealing with Eddys bullshit day in and day out and now his garbage about legal shit. So if the forum wants me out and every thread is just going to turn to shit I’ll delete the account.

First 50 posters. 2/3(33 people)majority of me leaving and I’ll go. Must be a poster that isn’t a ghost.


Quote Originally Posted by Eddy Munny View Post
Fukking weirdo
I’m over it dude. I’ve had enough with your obsession with me. If I’m hated like you and MJ said and I don’t help anyone here win then there’s no point of this.
So this is where you get enough people together and I’ll shut it down. It’s that simple. Im not dealing with you making legal threats at me, I have more important things in my life. I’m not addressing another comment from you in here


Seriously man, was this thread necessary? Idk what’s going on but just roast whoever and move on. A few weeks ago that corny kid tried to roast me and I punk his ass back to sucking JJ’s dick.

Drop your picks, have fun and ignore or roast someone and move on.


Quote Originally Posted by Headsterx View Post
Seriously man, was this thread necessary? Idk what’s going on but just roast whoever and move on. A few weeks ago that corny kid tried to roast me and I punk his ass back to sucking JJ’s dick.

Drop your picks, have fun and ignore or roast someone and move on.
I want to do that but every thread was getting polluted and now he wants to pursue some legal stuff so I just figured if there enough people that don’t mind me he will stop and I can just post my picks and help people make money. That’s all I want to do. Make picks talk about sports and sometimes politics focused on those things

But every comment is some weirdly perverse statement from him and it gets old and honestly I think he might be crazy because he’s been following me around this forum for 2 years. I don’t need my forum posting to mix in with my real life. I’m not here for that

So this is the way to find out which way this whole process stops


You're a loser with zero accountability. It's never your fault. Ever.

All I did today was post that I, like you, was on the Ravens. That wasn't enough for you. You refused any sort of alliance so you immediately started an anti-Browns thread, which, by your own admission, was to troll me. You got what you wanted and then played the victim. Sound familiar?

I do believe you are mentally ill and this weird ass thread does nothing to dispel that belief.

Furthermore, you wouldn't honor your word and leave even if the circumstances dictated so. We already tried that one, remember? You lied last time and you'd lie again. That's what liars do.


Quote Originally Posted by Eddy Munny View Post
You're a loser with zero accountability. It's never your fault. Ever.

All I did today was post that I, like you, was on the Ravens. That wasn't enough for you. You refused any sort of alliance so you immediately started an anti-Browns thread, which, by your own admission, was to troll me. You got what you wanted and then played the victim. Sound familiar?

I do believe you are mentally ill and this weird ass thread does nothing to dispel that belief.

Furthermore, you wouldn't honor your word and leave even if the circumstances dictated so. We already tried that one, remember? You lied last time and you'd lie again. That's what liars do.
You want to debate about sports then that’s fine but you don’t do that. My thread today was a continuation from my other thread you polluted with sexually perverse comments. I tried to make it sports related you decide to throw in insults and nutbag comments.
My last time was because it was you. If other posters want me out then there’s no purpose to be here. Because I don’t want to come on here to listen to you make weird sexual comments at me and threaten weird legal processes all the time it’s fukking twisted


Your politics suck ass Pukey. That's the only problem I have with you.

You are getting beat up this forum lately and I'm sorry for beat down. It will pass though as it always does. No need to make ultimatums. I will leave this forum bla bla bla..

Man up! Drop the mini skirt. Show some internet armor.



Quote Originally Posted by JIBBBY View Post
Your politics suck ass Pukey. That's the only problem I have with you.

You are getting beat up this forum lately and I'm sorry for beat down. It will pass though as it always does. No need to make ultimatums. I will leave this forum bla bla bla..

Man up! Drop the mini skirt. Show some internet armor.

I’m not here for armor. I don’t need it I do what I do just because I think it’s fun to give picks and see others make some money and be happy about it. I try to promote that because I know I’m good at this.
This extra stuff has just made it no fun so it wasn’t an ultimatum as much as it was if people don’t want me as resource here I’ll go.


Jibby, this Puke character wouldn't leave anyways. We had a similar ultimatum last year in the form of a H2H handicapping battle. He said he would leave for 5 months if he lost. Well fast forward, he lost, and left for like 5 minutes. Puke is not a man, not sure what she is, but definitely not a man.

When I confronted him about reneging, Puke blamed everyone but himself. Said I was not nice and therefore the agreement was void, even though he laid out the terms himself and agreed to them himself. That's why the whole nature of this thread is laughable. He already lied under similar circumstances. Fool me once....


Just post your picks and live with it. It's not that serious.

I've had my run in with Eddy he is okay though. Guy at least knows sports and he looks for value which is what all seasoned gamblers do.

No need to get all worked up just chill and pick the games.
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Quote Originally Posted by goduke View Post
Here it is. I’ll close my account tomorrow if that’s what you guys want and you don’t think my picks offer value or help. I’m sick of having to post games and dealing with Eddys bullshit day in and day out and now his garbage about legal shit. So if the forum wants me out and every thread is just going to turn to shit I’ll delete the account.

First 50 posters. 2/3(33 people)majority of me leaving and I’ll go. Must be a poster that isn’t a ghost.
A trip to a psychiatrist wouldn't be a waste of your time