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Surge coming soon....

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I'm not sure what is going to happen. They were partying in Wuhan after they already had the outbreak and they don't seem to have as many cases and deaths as they should. Of course they are probably lying about the numbers which wouldn't surprise me since they've been lying the whole time.

Italy is a mess.


Quote Originally Posted by Kermit View Post
I'm not sure what is going to happen. They were partying in Wuhan after they already had the outbreak and they don't seem to have as many cases and deaths as they should. Of course they are probably lying about the numbers which wouldn't surprise me since they've been lying the whole time.

Italy is a mess.
They all flew into Italy to get medical treatment


It like I told people. They are going to start testing people. It will make it look really scary. But it isn't fundamentally a different situation, probably similar rates of infection. A week or two from now, the infections will drop, as people who had it, but no symptoms, stay home in order not to "Catch it", and don't infect others. 3 or 4 weeks from now, new cases will be down significantly, and things will start to open back up. Try not worry, stay home, especially if you are sick.